Coats and more for kids

This year Englewood Rotary donated winter clothing (coats, boots, gloves, hats, fleeces) to 52 children at the Village Preschool for Early Childhood Education in Littleton. It's a project the club has done for more than 25 years -- begun by member Dr. Frank Sargent. 
Back then, the school was affiliated with what is now Integrated Family Community Services. The school's director told IFCS Board Member Dr. Sargent that some of the children in the Head Start program were coming to school without shoes or coats. He organized Rotary's collection of winter clothing (and toys back then), as well as a holiday party for the kids. 
This year, Marcy Foster, School Counselor, provided the names and sizes for each of the children. Kristine Wallen at Englewood Walmart assisted with shopping for the required clothing, as she has for many years. It's a huge pile at the check-out counter -- imagine 52 puffy coats! And all the rest.  
As a community service effort, members of the Englewood High School girls' basketball team sorted and packaged the clothing into red Santa bags. The club and the team have partnered for a number of years. Rotarian volunteers delivered the gifts to the Village preschool on December 2nd.  
Funding for the project was provided by a Rotary District Grant ($1,730), as well as community fund-raising by the Englewood Rotary Foundation ($1,730).  An Englewood Rotarian added to the total to make it all possible. In recent years members Josh Staller and Bruce Spear have spearheaded the project.
Coats and more for kids 2024-12-13 07:00:00Z 0

Ringing the bell -- for 25 years?

We spent a Saturday ringing the bell for the Salvation Army at the King Soopers on Broadway in Englewood. The shoppers were generous, and we gave away a lot of smiles. Like Rotary, the Salvation Army is an international organization, operating in 134 countries around the world. Locally, the Corps has a food pantry, delivers food to seniors in need, and has multiple programs for children and teens. Englewood Rotary has been ringing the bell for perhaps as many as 25 years, mostly under the leadership of Dawn Shepherd, above, with Shawn Lewis, a recent club president.
Also doing two-hour shifts recently were longtime Rotarian Gary Sears, left, a former Englewood City Manager, and Pastor Jeff Rainwater of Hope United Methodist Church, also a Rotarian. Right, Bob Burdick and Patty Burnett are one of the club's married couples. The club offers a special rate for the second participant. 
KayeCee Lindley, Rotary's most recent volunteers, joined another newish member, Chris Forrest.
Ringing the bell -- for 25 years? 2024-12-08 07:00:00Z 0

Knitting for a good cause

Elsa Hummel, the wife of our late member Franz, shares our love of Service Above Self. She knitted 18 warm scarves and donated them to Movement 5280, an Englewood organization that helps youth and young adults who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The group has a clothing bank where guests will find the scarves and perhaps understand the love and care Elsa put in them. Gary Sears, a longtime Englewood Rotarian, helped Elsa deliver the gifts recently. 
Knitting for a good cause 2024-12-07 07:00:00Z 0

$100,000! for more scholarships

Dan Burnham, center, presented a check for $100,000 to the Englewood Rotary Foundation and its scholarship program. Josh Staller is president of the foundation board, and Dawn Shepherd is an avid member of the scholarship committee, as well as a former executive director of the Littleton Housing Authority.  The $100,000 came from a Housing Authority scholarship effort that has been inactive in recent years. 
It's not every day that someone hands you a $100,000 check. Englewood Rotary had that kind of exceptional day recently.
The gift will enable Englewood Rotary to offer more scholarships to graduating students of Englewood High School and Colorado’s Finest High School of Choice.
The $100,000 gift came from a scholarship program previously run by the Littleton Housing Authority. The agency, now operating with the name South Metro Housing Options, is currently redeveloping its housing portfolio for families with children, who were the original beneficiaries of the scholarship fund.
Englewood Rotary is uniquely equipped to award and administer scholarships. The club, through its foundation, has been awarding and administering scholarships since the 1970s. This year the club gave seven scholarships totaling $24,500.
Dan Burnham, former executive director of the housing authority and board chair of the Littleton scholarship program, presented the check at a recent club meeting.
"Englewood Rotary is honored to accept this bequest, and we are committed to preserving the memory of the Beau DeVane Veyette scholarship," said Josh Staller, president of the Englewood Rotary Foundation.
Beau Veyette was the son of  former housing authority employee Jean Veyette Simmons. Tragically, Beau died at 14. Upon his death, friends and family gave contributions in his name. Simmons, who died in 2022, also designated a gift to the scholarship fund in her will.
Rotarian Dawn Shepherd was executive director of the housing authority when Beau died. At the club meeting she shared Beau’s story. “The last time I saw Beau he was selling me a poinsettia.” It was a fundraising effort to help his music group travel for a performance. "He couldn’t afford to go himself, but he was selling lots of poinsettias to benefit others. That was Beau,” Shepherd said.
And then one day she got a call from Beau’s mother. “I can’t come into work today. Beau has died.” Shepherd and Burnham went to her side.
Later, they created the scholarship program to honor his life. And then this year they worked together to give the funds to Englewood Rotary and its scholarship program.
Shepherd said, “The story of Beau’s death is heart-breaking, but the story of how a fund created in his name will continue to help other young people is heart-warming.” 
Burnham said to the club, “Your values are in line with our values.” It’s a good fit.
There was applause.   
$100,000! for more scholarships 2024-09-06 06:00:00Z 0

We sold 'em!

We had lots of volunteers helping with the peach distribution at Englewood Civic Center. Here's a core group: Bob, Patty, Josh, Elizabeth, Shawn.
We had a great peach sale -- sold almost 300 boxes! Big thank yous go to our Organizer in Chief Josh Staller and to our top seller, Susan VanDyke. 
We're still tabulating the take, but we sold more boxes than last year, so it's safe to say that we'll have a healthy pot o' money. Some of that will go to buying winter clothes -- coats, hats, gloves and some extras -- for about 50 preschoolers from low-income families. We've been doing this for more than 25 years. This year we've also won a grant from our Rotary District to pay for half the cost, which means our peach money will go even farther to additional good deeds.
Woo hoo!
We sold 'em! Patricia Ann Burnett 2024-08-13 06:00:00Z 0

Latest Spirit of Rotary winners

Club President Shawn Lewis, left, with Spirit of Rotary Award winners Kelli Doane, Ana Alicia Ramirez and Jacob Cain, with Englewood School Superintendent Joanna Polzin, who also is an Englewood Rotarian
The Rotary Club of Englewood recently bestowed its Spirit of Rotary Awards in the field of education upon three outstanding faculty members in Englewood Schools.
They are Kelli Doane, a paraeducator at Bishop Elementary School; Ana Alicia Ramirez, a school psychologist at Charles Hay World School, and Jacob Cain, culinary arts teacher at Englewood High School.
The awards were presented at a celebratory lunch hosted by the Rotary Club at the Malley Center.
Shawn Lewis, Rotary club president, said, “We were awed by the talents and dedication of our three award recipients. Englewood is fortunate to have these extraordinary people guiding its children.”
Doane has a 16-year history in Englewood Schools. In her nomination, Sheri Spenhoff, principal at Bishop, commended Doane for engaging students through high-quality learning, creating a community of belonging and showing “incredible care.”
Ramirez was cited for always thinking of ways to create an inclusive climate and culture. She is the lead for the special education program at her school, and often attends after-school and evening programs to connect with students’ families.
Cain is a very popular teacher with both students and the wider community. He and his students often provide meals and food for school, staff and community events. Diana Zakhem, Director of Secondary Success, said Cain’s commitment to “exposing students to the culinary industry and then creating opportunities for them to grow in this field is commendable.”
Englewood Rotary, a service club of 23 men and women, is best known for its support of Englewood Schools. This year the club awarded $24,500 in scholarships to graduating seniors at Englewood High and Colorado’s Finest High School of Choice.
The club previously has awarded Spirit of Rotary Awards to leaders in business and nonprofit organizations, as well as to first responders, including police and fire services. Rotary’s motto is “Service Above Self,” and the Spirit of Rotary awards go to people who exemplify that wisdom.  

Latest Spirit of Rotary winners 2024-05-06 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary hosts Chamber members

Englewood Rotary is a longtime member of the Greater Englewood Chamber of Commerce. In January we hosted the First Friday Coffee at the Malley Center.
It was a great turnout of about 30 Chamber businesspeople networking and getting to know more about Rotary. 
Rotary hosts Chamber members 2024-01-27 07:00:00Z 0

We care and we serve

Club President Shawn Lewis and Community Service Chair Elizabeth Wilhelm
Dawn Shepherd is the club's Salvation Army Organizer
We’ve been busy!
Englewood Rotarians rang the bell for the Salvation Army. Thank you, Dawn, who has arranged our bell ringing for maybe 20 years? Longer? Could be. The club itself contributed $250.
And thank you ringers President Shawn, members Elizabeth, Gary, Steve, Bob and Patty – and their granddaughter Evelyn, 11, who enticed many givers.
At the Englewood tree lighting ceremony recently, we were there with hot cider and lots of good cheer.
For about 25 years our club has provided winter clothes and sometimes toys to preschoolers at the Village for Early Childhood Education, and its predecessor school. This year we delivered coats, boots, gloves, hats, sweatshirts and sweatpants for 42 children. Our Foundation president, Josh Staller, led this project. Member Bruce Spear helped with transporting this large amount of clothing. We are indebted to Kristine Wallen at Walmart for selecting the clothes in the right sizes, and to the Englewood High School Girls Basketball Team for sorting and bagging the gifts. 
We also supported the Hoodies for Heroes program at Englewood High School. This program recognizes
students for kindness, integrity, altruism – being a friend others can depend upon. Our club has provided funding for the hoodies given as awards.
And then we sent $1,500 to Movement 5280, a local nonprofit that helps young people, including those who have aged out of foster care, and who are unhoused or at risk of being unhoused. This amazing program provides a wide range of support, including mental health counseling.
We collected gloves for their clients, and delivered about 30 pairs. We also have contributed five, fully stocked tool boxes for their clients who graduate into their first apartments on their own.
For Thanksgiving we supplied a LOT of nonperishable food for families in need. Englewood Schools, in partnership with some nonprofit organizations, had a goal of providing 100 families in need with Thanksgiving dinner food. We estimate that our club provided nonperishables for at least 25.
We were also in partnership with the Denver Metro South Rotary Club to provide dinner for the Englewood High School football team’s Awards Night. We contributed $500 and some volunteers.
So, as I said, we’ve been busy! Here’s to a Happy New Year and more opportunities for community service. Coming soon: Our scholarship application period. We'll be awarding $15,000 in scholarships to graduating seniors from Englewood High School and Colorado's Finest High School of Choice. – Patty Burnett
We care and we serve Patty Burnett 2023-12-05 07:00:00Z 0

RYLA was great!

Here they are! Our fabulous RYLArians from 2023. Josie Van Hoeven, Erin Altenhofen, Jayce Prantz, Ashlyn Stapleton and Maddie Van Hoeven. 
RYLA stands for Rotary Youth Leadership Awards and actually means a five-day camp teaching teamwork, leadership, community and friendship. These lucky students attended this year at the beautiful YMCA camp in Estes Park. They reported their experiences to the club at a recent meeting. Almost all of the students we've sent to RYLA over maybe 20 years return and say the experience changed their lives. These students also came home thrilled with all they learned about core values and themselves. 
RYLA was great! Patricia Ann Burnett 2023-07-11 06:00:00Z 0

It's a new Rotary year!

Rotary Years begin July 1, with a new international president and his or her new theme. Our new RI leader is R. Gordon McInally of Scotland. His theme is: Create Hope in the World, as shown on the new banner in this photo. Assistant Governor Robert Mintz presented the banner and theme pin to club president Shawn Lewis at our first meeting of the new year. 

This year, Gordon is focused on three presidential initiatives that Create Hope in the World: prioritizing mental health, building peace through virtual exchanges, and empowering girls.

As our club looks to our new year, we'll no doubt be considering how we also can Create Hope in the World. 

It's a new Rotary year! 2023-07-10 06:00:00Z 0

Hooray for our Scholars!

Our club loves the students of Englewood. Our main outreach has been bestowing scholarships -- as much as $190,000 over the years. 
This April we gave six graduating seniors scholarships of $2,500 to help pay for their first year of college. Our Scholarship Committee of Josh Staller, Bruce Spear, Dawn Shepherd and Vee Sabel had the very hard job of narrowing down a field of 16 wonderful students to just six.
We were thrilled to have five of the six and their parents (and a girlfriend) attend a meeting lunch. It was great getting to know these students and hear about their dreams for their futures.
The students are Luis Chavez (not shown), headed to Metropolitan State University of Denver; Rebeca Aguilar-Saguilan, also going to Metro; Isaiah Segoviano, Colorado State University at Mesa; Kingston Jones, University of Nevada-Las Vegas; Ruby Lopez-Luna, Colorado State University; Diamond Essel, also going to Colorado State University. Rebeca attends Colorado's Finest High School of Choice, and the others are at Englewood High School.
Congratulations, students!
Hooray for our Scholars! 2023-04-20 06:00:00Z 0

Honoring First Responders

From left:  Englewood Police Chief Sam Watson, award recipient Officer Matt Creaghe,
recipient Sergeant Reid McGrath, Lt. Alex Dorgan from Station 37 in Englewood, recipient Brad Thayer,
Deputy Chief Robert Murphy accepting for recipient Brad Balding, Rotary President Shawn Lewis
Two Englewood Police officers and a district chief and captain from the Denver Fire Department, which serves Englewood, have received Spirit of Rotary Awards as First Responders of the Year.
Englewood Rotary created the Spirit of Rotary Awards this Rotary year to recognize leaders, doers and high achievers in our community.
“First responders – police, firefighters, paramedics – are critical to public safety. Englewood Rotary is proud to present these awards and our deep appreciation to these four people who have shown exceptional service this year,” said Club President Shawn Lewis at the recent presentation.
During the presentation Rotarian Patty Burnett characterized first responders as Real Life Super-Heroes.
Englewood Police Officer Matt Creaghe received his Spirit of Rotary Award for his initiative in the job of School Resource Officer for Englewood Schools. He has developed valuable relationships with staff, students and the greater school community.
Sergeant Reid McGrath was honored for his 31 years with the Englewood Police Department, and a total of 40 in law enforcement. Sgt. McGrath recently retired. His work in mental wellness and alternative policing programs has made Englewood Police one of the most progressive departments in the state and in the country, according to the department chief.
Denver Fire’s District 7 Chief Brad Balding received his Spirit of Rotary Award in recognition of his successful role in integrating coverage of Englewood into the Denver Fire system, ensuring that members of Stations 37 and 38 know the resources and policies of Englewood. Service in Englewood began in 2015.
Captain Brad Thayer was cited for methodically building Station 37 into one known for its professionalism, pride and community service commitment. He worked well with city planners as they navigated a major remodeling and upgrading of that station serving Englewood, his nomination said.
Spirit of Rotary Awards have also recognized leaders in business and the nonprofit sector. A fourth recognition in the spring will honor leaders in education.
Honoring First Responders Patricia Burnett 2023-02-20 07:00:00Z 0

Winter Membership Drive

As part of our winter membership drive, we want to schedule you to join us for lunch! Space is limited, so click here to sign up to join us for lunch!
Winter Membership Drive 2023-01-18 07:00:00Z 0

Basketball team pitches in for us

The Girls Basketball Team of Englewood High School sorted winter clothes and packed them up for the 3-, 4- and 5-year-olds at  The Village for Early Childhood Education in Littleton. 
Englewood Rotary has provided these children with winter coats, gloves, hats and boots for 25 years. In some years we also provided toys.
The project was the passion of Dr. Frank Sargent, a member of the club for more than 50 years. This year members Josh Staller and Bruce Spear coordinated the effort, with the help of Kristine Wallen at Englewood Walmart. Kristine has pulled the clothes, in exact requested sizes, for many years. It's a community service from Walmart and Kristine.
The club greatly appreciates the support of the Girls Basketball Team. We're hoping they have a great year on the court and together in service to our community. 
Basketball team pitches in for us 2022-11-30 07:00:00Z 0

Abe Lincoln  and our District Governor

When District Governor Ray Anderson, our esteemed leader, visited Englewood Rotary
he had to share the podium with Abraham Lincoln who was there to read the Gettysburg
Address.  Great fun!
Abe is the alter ego of our member Bruce Spear, who is a certified Lincoln Presenter.
Bruce tells the story of how he became Abe.  While he was working in Washington, D.C.,
people would pass him on the street and say, "Hello, Mr President."  So, he capitalized
on that resemblance, and has a great time marching in parades (Englewood's, among
them), talking to students and, of course, entertaining Englewood Rotary.  That's
the "other" president, Patty Burnett, in the middle.
Abe Lincoln and our District Governor 2022-05-24 06:00:00Z 0

Basketballs anyone?

The Englewood High School Girls Basketball team's ball cage was falling apart,
so we came to the rescue with this new equipment, shown with the team captain. 
We also provided funding for team shirts to wear en route to games and at special 
It's a two-way partnership, as the girls recently helped sort and package winter clothing
that we purchased for 60 preschoolers at The Village for Early Childhood
Education in Littleton -  a program we have supported with holiday gifts for 25 years.
Basketballs anyone? 2022-05-24 06:00:00Z 0

'Business of the Week'

The Greater Englewood Chamber of Commerce named Englewood Rotary 'Business of the Week' for the final week of 2021.
'Business of the Week' 2022-01-13 07:00:00Z 0

We made the holidays a little happier

We got a call from The Village Preschool at North, a school we have supported for about 25 years with a lunch with Santa and gifts of toys and winter clothes. Because of the pandemic, we couldn't do that this year, or last. But a call for help came.
Could we provide winters coats and boots for 60 children? Yes, we could, and did. 
Thank yous go to our members Josh Staller, who coordinated the effort, and to Bruce Spear, who was a chief Schlepper. 60 sets of kids' coats and boots is a haul.
Thank you also to Kristine Wallen of Englewood Walmart. Kristine is amazing. For many years she "shopped" for the kids' clothes and aided our members in selecting toys. This year, she found 60 sets of coats and boots in the exact sizes those 60 children needed. Thank you, Kristine!
We also had the help of the Girls Basketball Team at Englewood High School. The girls sorted all the stuff into large red gift bags for us. 
Thank you, everyone. It was a merry Christmas in Englewood. 
We made the holidays a little happier Patty Burnett 2022-01-03 07:00:00Z 0
Ringin' the bell for the Salvation Army 2021-11-30 07:00:00Z 0

How we lived our motto during the pandemic

We volunteered on a food distribution day at Integrated Family Community Services, which we supported with $4,060 in contributions from members. Rotary volunteers also served at COVID-19 vaccination sites. 
Report by Club Treasurer Don Schneider
Our usual Englewood Rotary activities and projects came to a screeching halt in March 2020 when the full brunt of the COVID-19 pandemic hit our country and our state.
Once our club was able to regroup by scheduling Zoom meetings in place of our regular in-person Wednesday meetings, an immediate topic of conversation was what could we as a club due to help those in the Englewood community more adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic with all its disruptions to schools, jobs, and the community in general.
The club soon reached a consensus to seek voluntary contributions from our Rotary Club members to help fund a COVID Relief Fund to be run through the Englewood Rotary Foundation. The stated goal of the fund was to find agencies or organizations that would be providing pandemic related services and relief efforts in the greater Englewood community.
During the remainder of the 2019-2020 Rotary fiscal year the club members contributed $1,450 to the relief fund. This was through June 30, 2020. Then, in Rotary fiscal year 2020-2021, through June 30, 2021, the club members donated an additional $2,610 to the relief fund. In all, a total of $4,060 was contributed by a total of 15 club members.
From time to time during the16 months the project has been active the board of directors gave direction as to what community groups were to receive donations from the fund. We found IFCS, Integrated Family Community Services organization (formerly Inter-Faith), to be the ideal partner for our COVID-19 project, and for that reason all $4,060 was directed to IFCS and paid out through the Englewood Rotary Foundation. 
During the pandemic, IFCS focused its energies on alleviating hunger, not just in the area it historically served (Englewood, Littleton, Sheridan, northern Douglas County), but beyond. Club volunteers Josh Staller, Dawn Shepherd, Gary Sears and Patty Burnett helped with a drive-through distribution of food in May. This coincided with the Day of Service initiated by Rotary District Governor Bob Kemp.
In other service, club members Linda and Bruce Spear, Josh Staller, Gary Sears and Scott Koland answered a Rotary district call for volunteers to assist at the 9Health COVID vaccination sites.
(Apologies if I've overlooked anyone. Let me hear. PB)
From Foundation funds prior to the designation of donations to COVID causes, we also provided about $800 in school supplies to Englewood Middle School, $1,000 for camp chairs for outdoor classrooms at Colorado’s Finest High School of Choice (the Englewood alternative school) and $500 for its lending closet. Vee and  John Sabel and Patty Burnett were instrumental in the school supplies project. Josh Staller directed the efforts for Colorado’s Finest.
We lived Service Above Self in a pandemic. 
How we lived our motto during the pandemic Don Schneider 2021-07-06 06:00:00Z 0

We're BAACK!!

Englewood Rotarians and spouses, plus a Rotarian from Iran!, celebrated our freedom from Covid and masks at at backyard barbecue at the home of Linda and Peter Jeschofnig. 
We're BAACK!! 2021-05-28 06:00:00Z 0

Englewood Rotary Earns High Honor from Chamber

The Rotary Club of Englewood received the Lifetime Business Achievement Award from the Greater Englewood Chamber of Commerce May 27.
At the Chamber’s 35th Annual Business Awards Banquet Club President Susan Van Dyke and President-Elect Patty Burnett accepted the award, which was for the year 2019. Because of the pandemic, last year’s awards banquet was cancelled.
Van Dyke said, “We are very honored to be recognized by the Chamber, which has just come through a difficult year, but one distinguished by amazing, supportive connections with members and the City of Englewood.”
Also at the Chamber event Englewood City Manager Shawn Lewis was named Chamber Member of the Year (2020). Lewis is a member of Englewood Rotary, making the evening doubly special for the club.
Burnett told the Chamber group that the club’s major outreach is scholarships. In April the club, through its foundation, awarded a total of $8,000 to six students from Englewood High School and two students from Colorado’s Finest High School of Choice.
Since the year 2000, the Englewood Rotary Foundation has funded over $150,000 in college or trade school scholarships and provided more than 100 students with scholarships of $1,000 or more.
“We also recently received a bequest from a former member, C. Charles Buchler,” Burnett said. Mr. Buchler was a prominent Englewood attorney and mayor pro tem of Greenwood Village when it was founded in 1950. He joined Englewood Rotary in 1947 and served 60 years. He died in 2008.
His bequest, funded after the death of Mr. Buchler’s wife in 2020, was for $250,000. The money has been invested by the club’s foundation. Earnings will fund scholarships, including a new one, the C. Charles Buchler Scholarship.
Englewood Rotary, chartered in 1937, continues its service to the community, especially Englewood Schools and its students. Anyone interested in participating may contact Burnett at
Englewood Rotary Earns High Honor from Chamber Patty Burnett 2021-05-28 06:00:00Z 0

Our fun outdoor happy hour!

We hadn't met in person since March, and we were suffering from that odd affliction called Zoom Fatigue. But, hooray! In late September Josh and Jane Staller invited us to a backyard happy hour. We wore masks, we socially distanced and socially had a great time. Thanks, Josh and Jane. 
For a photo album of this fun event, go to the tab WHAT WE DO and click on Photo Albums. Photos by Jane Staller and Peter Jefschofnig.
Our fun outdoor happy hour! 2020-10-09 06:00:00Z 0

Backpacks and more for middle schoolers

Englewood Rotary to the rescue
\It was a rough start for the school year, with lots of unknowns and some of the usual channels of support closed. We asked how we could help Englewood Middle School. The answer: about $800 worth of backpacks and notebooks. Vee Sabel was the key volunteer, with help from Dawn Shepherd, Patty Burnett and John Sabel. Good work, folks!
Backpacks and more for middle schoolers Patty Burnett 2020-10-09 06:00:00Z 0

We’re meeting on Zoom

We are Englewood Rotary, a club that has been around since 1937, and we do not give up. We're meeting on Zoom until at least Jan. 1. If you'd like to join us on Wednesdays at 1 p.m., please email Patty Burnett, We love guests!
We’re meeting on Zoom 2020-03-14 06:00:00Z 0

It was lots of fun -- for kids and club members

We hosted 67 preschoolers from The Village for Early Childhood Education for a holiday lunch, with benefits. These Head Start kids got Santa's attention and went home with bags of winter clothing and toys.
This project is the passion of our member Dr. Frank Sargent, who started it on a smaller scale more than 20 years ago. He had heard that some of the children were coming to school without coats or shoes. And so he fixed that. 
The school gives us detailed lists of kids' sizes, and we partner with the Englewood Walmart to load up the clothing and gifts. This year Walmart's Kristine Wallen pre-shopped and packed up all the clothes -- huge boxes of parkas and gloves and hats and pajamas. Our volunteers shopped for the toys.
And then there was the party! We were at the Douglas H. Buck Community Recreation Center, across the street from the school. Our member Josh Staller was Organizer in Chief this year. We had strong member support, too -- shoppers, schleppers, Santa, assorted "elves" and Cheryl Saborsky on the piano. 
It was lots of fun -- for kids and club members Patty Burnett 2019-12-17 07:00:00Z 0
67 kids! 67 bags of clothing and toys! And  Santa! 2019-12-17 07:00:00Z 0
Donate 2019-09-28 06:00:00Z 0

Our Rotary Year 2018-2019

Air Force first sergeants joined us in assembling Thanksgiving
food boxes for 65 Air Force families in need. 
What a year! Our small club helped hundreds of families in many ways, here and in Senegal.
Here's our track record for the Rotary year that began July 1:
In July we bought and filled the backpacks of first graders at Bishop School with all the required supplies. This is a project that we've done for more than 10 years. Each year, it seems, the backpacks and their contents get more technological and more expensive. Families in Englewood really need our help. Members Vee Sabel and Dawn Shepherd did the shopping, assembling and delivering. 
In August our former member Judy Beggs was in Gueoul, Senegal, carrying out two grant projects -- a district grant secured by our club with contributing partner clubs of Highlands Ranch, Wheat Ridge and DTC. This project was to teach English as a Second Language to girls who are part of a Friends of Gueoul program, founded and directed by Judy, and others in the community. The second, smaller grant was from the Society of Professional Journalists Colorado Pro Chapter to obtain software and produce an online news report about happenings in Gueoul. Shy girls found the courage to ask strangers questions about soccer and changes in their community. The grant was secured by our member Bob Burdick. 
September rolled around, and we were all about wine and raising money. We held the 2nd Annual Harvest Wine-tasting fund-raiser at The Guild in Englewood. President Ed Koerperich and his family get the lion's share of credit. We raised about $10,000 mostly from the auction that featured vacation getaways to Provence, Santa Barbara and Winter Park. 
We also participated in a golf tournament-fund-raiser organized by the United Service Clubs of Englewood, of which we and the Greater Englewood Chamber of Commerce are members. That brought us about $1,800 for our charitable work. 
In October and November it was all hands on deck for our program helping Air Force families in need with Thanksgiving food and holiday gifts. The families were screened for need by commanders or designees at Peterson and Schriever Air Force Bases and at the Air Force Academy. We filled huge carts at Costco with turkeys and all the fixings for Thanksgiving dinner for families of four. And we filled wish lists of toys and clothing for 65 families that included more than 100 children. Whew! This was a $15,000 project, with a matching grant from the district and some financial and volunteer support from the North Colorado Springs Rotary, and East Colorado Springs Rotary and Castle Rock  High Noon -- all ably led by our club President Ed Koerperich. Many members shopped and helped on the distribution day.  
We also rang the bell for the Salvation Army, a club tradition of many years. 
If it's December, it's another party with Santa for Head Start kids at the Center for Early Childhood Education in Littleton. With a grant from the Englewood Walmart and funds from our foundation, we invited 65 kids for lunch, a spot on Santa's knee and a bag full of winter clothes and toys. This is Dr. Frank Sargent's project, possibly the 20th year. Special thanks to Vee and John Sabel, as well as volunteer shoppers and wrappers. 
January and February are usually quiet times for our club. We did get creative, though. We selected not just one president for the next Rotary year, but three. We're calling it the Team of 3. Linda Spear, Gary Sears and Susan VanDyke each will take a four-month tour of duty. 
Because of software issues in Rotary, Linda Spear will be the name on Rotary records, but in our reality, the three will have equal responsibility and authority. 
Every month we enjoy three lunch meetings with fabulous speakers. On the fourth Wednesday we dine out! We call this "happy hour," but it has morphed into dinner. We've been to Zane's, Bar Louie, One Barrel, Volcano. . . . We usually have 15-20 participants -- wives, husbands, guests all invited. 
In March and April we are interviewing seventh graders and high school sophomores and juniors for the fabulous Rotary camps known as the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards. We are sending two high school students this summer -- at no cost to the families. Every RYLArian returns and says the experience change his or her life.
May: Our signature project is scholarships to graduates of Englewood High School and Colorado's Finest School of Choice (the alternative school). We have given more than $120,000 over the last 15 years. Again, we were able to help 12 students with tuition to a wide range of schools, from MINES to Johnson & Wales. Our Englewood Rotary Foundation provides the bulk of the scholarship money, though some comes from current-year fund-raising. 
June: Our Englewood club has a long tradition of giving an annual award to a club with an outstanding role in literacy. This year we gave two: One to Castle Rock High Noon for at least six projects, three of them new this year with new Champions. We have decided that in some years we will give two because of how different the clubs might be in size. For a club of under 30, Castle Rock High Noon rocked!
But we also awarded Boulder Rotary, a large club, for its extensive work in the greater Boulder Community.
Our Last Blast for the Rotary year was a New Presidents Party, a lovely evening in which we recognized the good work of the year, including by our president Ed Koerperich, who has been living in Europe on a grand adventure for the last several months. We hailed our new presidents, Gary Sears, Linda Spear and Susan Van Dyke. Each co-president will preside over four months, lessening the individual load. Thank you, Linda and Bruce Spear, for hosting the party in the Three Fountains Community Room.
Here's to the Rotary New Year!
--Patty Burnett
Our Rotary Year 2018-2019 2019-03-15 06:00:00Z 0

RInging the bell

How long have we been ringing the bell for the Salvation Army? Maybe 20 years? This year we had lots of volunteers filling two Saturdays. We hope our friendly faces encouraged shoppers at the King Soopers at Belleview and Yosemite to give generously.
RInging the bell 2018-11-26 07:00:00Z 0

Happy holidays to 64 Air Force families!

Wow! We did it!
On the Saturday before Thanksgiving we staged a massive sorting of gifts and food for 64 families in need at Schriever and Peterson Air Force Bases and the Air Force Academy. 
Thanks to all Rotarians and friends who shopped for the gift wish lists of the families -- 110 children included! Thanks to the members of the Rotary Clubs of North Colorado Springs, East Colorado Springs, Castle Rock High Noon and the now-disbanded InterQuest club. This project took a village!
And thanks to volunteers Friday (shopping at Park Meadows Costco) and Saturday (sorting at an American Legion Hall in Colorado Springs):
Josh, Gary, Bob B., Mike and Katherine Dow, Don, Patty.
And of course ED! Ed, our esteemed president and Champion of this $10,500 project.  It's a good thing he isn't paid by the hour. 
And then there were the First Sergeants. We had about 20 First Sergeants looking out for the people they lead. These men and women were the muscle. About 1,000 pounds of potatoes. About 1,000 pounds of turkeys. Not to mention canned goods and heavy gifts like the child car seat one family needed. And, boy, were they fast. All that food went into boxes and got carted out to SUVs for delivery to the families. 
Wow! We did it!
Happy holidays to 64 Air Force families! 2018-11-20 07:00:00Z 0

Natalie's Year in Peru

Posted by Patty Burnett on Jul 18, 2018
Natalie Dow told the club all about her year as a Rotary Exchange Student in Peru -- the fun like playing in a band and the scary like unsanitary drinking water. Despite the lows, it was an amazing experience for her, and she thanked the club for sponsoring her.
Several years ago we sponsored Natalie for a Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA), meaning she attended a five-day camp learning about leadership, teamwork and Rotary values such as Service Above Self. When she reported back to the club, our member Larry Matten asked if she knew about youth exchange, and that's where her adventure began. 
Natalie applied and asked for a South American country, even though she did not speak any Spanish. She's fluent in German, but she had lived in Europe and she wanted "different." Different was Lima, Peru. 
Natalie's sister Audrey attended Young RYLA the same summer. She's now a student at Cherry Creek High School. In August Natalie will be off to Washington University in D.C. 
Their parents also have dived into the Rotary world. Mike became a member of our club, and Katherine sometimes comes in his place when he's traveling. As a family, they will host a Rotary Exchange Student from Switzerland, beginning in August. He will attend Cherry Creek. The Dows will host him for the first part of the year, then two other families will take over. We are co-sponsoring Raphael with the Centennial Rotary Club. 
Rotary: It's all in the family!
Natalie's Year in Peru Patty Burnett 2018-07-18 06:00:00Z 0

It's a new Rotary year!

We had a Changing of the Guard party, celebrating Patty Burnett's two years as president of our wonderful club and Ed Koerperich's ascent to the top. Our club enjoys a good party! We meet three Wednesdays a month at the Brookdale Meridian Englewood for lunch, and then on the fourth Wednesday we do an evening happy hour at rotating restaurants. We socialize well. 
It's a new Rotary year! Patty Burnett 2018-07-09 06:00:00Z 0

Our 2018 scholars

Posted on Jul 09, 2018
Our Englewood Rotary Foundation gives $10,000 a year to graduates of Englewood High School or Colorado's Finest School of Choice as they pursue college or trade school paths. These are some of this year's recipients, from left: 
Brayden Espinosa, Sofia Montoya, Lauryn Williams, Paige Langley, Alexandra Foster, Isabel Montanez and Emma Hubbard.
We are very proud of these young people.  
Our 2018 scholars Patty Burnett 2018-07-09 06:00:00Z 0

Busy, busy

RYLA: Our club is a big believer in the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, which is a long name for a fabulous opportunity for middle school and high school students. We award them five days at an extraordinary camp where they learn about teamwork, about civic responsibility, about our core Rotary ethic, the Four-Way Test.
This summer we have three students will be attending: Logan Hilzer, Cherry Creek High School; Anina Qazar, Campus Middle School, and Rocky Grajek from  Merrill Middle School. Every student who attends returns to say, "It changed my life." So we look forward to hearing from these young people later this summer. 
College and trade school scholarships: Our club has a history of supporting the graduates of Englewood High School and Colorado's Finest School of Choice. We have awarded at least $90,000 in scholarships over the last 10 years. We just selected a new group: Jade Barela, Alonzo Cobos, Manuela Berisa, Jakob Garcia, Isabel Montanez, Tatum Newman and Lauryn Williams. They each will receive $1,000 scholarships sent to their schools of choice. Congratulations, scholars!
Busy, busy 2018-05-15 06:00:00Z 0

What have we been up to???

This is the Englewood Rotary Pizza and Teddy Bear team. We served pizza and other goodies to preschoolers at the Early Childhood Education Program at Maddox School in May. We sent $50 gift cards home to parents to help with buying summer clothing. Lunch with 60 3- and 4-year-olds! 
What have we been up to??? 2018-05-15 06:00:00Z 0
Fun at a fund-raiser 2018-02-26 07:00:00Z 0

Networking in Rotary

Our District Governor Abbas Rajabi reminds us that Rotary began in 1905 as a networking group, long before that term arose. Chicago attorney Paul Harris created a club in which professionals with diverse backgrounds could exchange ideas, form meaningful, lifelong friendships and give back to their communities. Rotary's name came from the group's early practice of rotating meetings among the offices of its members. 
That's Rotary today, as well. Somehow, along our history, the networking function got a bad name in Rotary, and we were told, It's NOT a networking group. It's Service, Service, Service Above Self. But the reality was that my dentist and my insurance agent, and, time was, my travel agent were all Rotarians. It's only natural that you seek the professional help of people you know and trust through Rotary.
District Govenor Rajabi encourages us to deepen our networking connections. So I am planning a program in March in which we will have a structured networking exercise. Now, a great many of us are retired, so you won't be needing the services of, say, a retired urologist! But this is also a way for us to know each other better. Some of our best programs have been from our own members. Susan on recycling. Peter on his amazing life all over the world. And next week, we'll have Diane Arave, who has had a career in health education, advising us on how to live more healthily. 
So, this is the bottom line for this story: Networking is good. Let's do it! 


Networking in Rotary Patty Burnett 2018-01-29 07:00:00Z 0

Giving Head Start kids a head start on Christmas

Santa sounds a lot like former Rotarian Ron Olivett. Ho, ho, ho.
For the 18th year Englewood Rotary, hosted Head Start preschoolers at a holiday lunch. The kids walked from their Village for Early Childhood Education on Powers Avenue in Littleton to the Douglas Buck Community Recreation Center. 
Rotarians helped them through the buffet line, selecting burgers and hot dogs, chips, Jello and cookies. At tables of eight Rotarians engaged the kids in chit chat until the Big Hour. That's when volunteer pianist extraordinaire Cheryl Saborsky played "Here Comes Santa Claus." And here he came, much to the kids' delight. Santa stopped at each lunch table, said "Merry Christmas" and dropped off trinkets.
Then up on stage, Santa greeted each child, one by one. Rotarians Dawn and Diane helped the children tote a giant bag that Rotarians had filled with winter outfits in their exact sizes and toys, of course. 
Englewood Rotary received a $2,000 grant from Walmart to  help with the cost of the gifts. Englewood Walmart employees helped with the shopping and gift wrapping, as well. 
Rotarian Dr. Frank Sargent leads this project every year. "I just love you kids," he told the group. And they love him, an experienced grandfather. 
Giving Head Start kids a head start on Christmas 2017-12-14 07:00:00Z 0

Wow! We helped 30 military families experiencing hard times

That's Ed in the back of a pickup, loading food purchased at Costco.
We filled the pickup and three SUVs, and wrote a check for about $3,800.
That's just SOME of the 30 15-pound bags of potatoes!
With Josh and Bruce
Members of the North Colorado Springs Rotary, all veterans,
and their wives shopped and sorted and delivered, too.
Ten of us, plus Ed's family, shopped for toys and clothes.
Picture bicycles, Transformers, Pokemon gear, winter sweaters. . . 
Listen in to what we have accomplished in the words of a recipient of our holiday support
and in the words of a key volunteer:
"I just wanted to say thank you for the Thanksgiving meal and the presents for the kids. We really appreciate it! The kids look forward to unwrapping them! Thanksgiving and grocery shopping is stressful especially when my husband is in Afghanistan! Thank you so much again!"
                                                                                                 -- the wife of an airman in the 4th Space Operations Squadron
at Shriever Air Force Base,with 3 children approximate ages 2, 4 and 10
 "My husband, father-in-law (Ed) and myself wish you and your family the very best Christmas and that your Thanksgiving is memorable this year.
"We cannot thank your husband enough for his service to our country. Without individuals like himself, we would not live in such a great country. Thank you again!
"We thank you and your family for your sacrifice while your husband is deployed. If there is anything we can do, do not hesitate to reach out to us.
"Many blessings to you and your family."
                                                                 -- Happy holidays, Molly (daughter-in-law of our member Ed Koerperich,
who was a very important coordinator of our project, along with her veteran husband Chris)
Under the supreme leadership of Ed Koerperich, we carried out our own version of a military mission. We provided 30 families of active military or veterans with an amazing array of holiday food and gifts.  
This was the main thrust of our $7,000 project ($3,500 from our members and a match from our Rotary District) called the Military and Veterans Appreciation and Support Program. About $1,000 of that is unspent and reserved for financial or family crises that might occur between now and the end of the Rotary year, June 30.
We were aided by members of the North Colorado Springs Rotary and wonderful contacts at the Air Force Academy and Shriever Air Force Base. 
Wow! We helped 30 military families experiencing hard times 2017-11-28 07:00:00Z 0

Wine + Club Members = Fun Fund-raising

Englewood Rotary is about friendship and service. We excel at both. 
The club recently enjoyed a wine-tasting organized by our member Ed Koerperich, featuring his talented family and friends who are certified wine experts. The most fun experience of the night was tasting three wines -- semi-cheap, moderate cost and high-priced. We apparently like expensive wine!
The wine-tasting fund-raiser brought in $2,000 for our service projects, which include college and trade school scholarships for Englewood students, holiday gifts and food for military families in need, holiday gifts and fun for Head Start preschoolers, and support for the poorest of the poor girls in a small village in Senegal.
Englewood Rotary meets three Wednesdays a week for lunch and an enriching speaker. On the fourth Wednesday, we just socialize -- meeting in the evening at restaurant for food, drink and camaraderie. We welcome guests at all our events. Please check our calendar, or contact our president, Patty Burnett, 720-234-6010,
Wine + Club Members = Fun Fund-raising 2017-11-09 07:00:00Z 0

Frank  Sargent is Rotarian of the Year

We will honor Dr. Frank Sargent as Englewood Rotarian of the Year at our meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 15. Frank has been a member of our club since 1970, and has helped us help thousands of children and others in our community and around the world. 
Frank loves all things Rotary, but has a special place in his heart for the preschool kids at the Village for Early Childhood Education in Littleton. In December Englewood Rotary will treat 65 of those kids to holiday lunch, complete with Christmas carols, burgers, hot dogs and cupcakes, and, oh yes, Santa. Frank has championed this project for seventeen years. Each child will receive a huge bag of gifts and winter clothing. 
Englewood Walmart is an important partner in this project. Employees help select clothes in specific sizes for each of the kids, wrap and through grants help us pay for the overall program. 
Frank is also a champion of the program we call RYLA -- Rotary Youth Leadership Awards -- in which we send middle school and high school students to fantastic summer camps that teach leadership, team-building and service. Rotary's motto is "Service Above Self." And that's pure Frank!
Frank Sargent is Rotarian of the Year 2017-10-17 06:00:00Z 0

We love our scholars!

Our top priority for community service is giving scholarships to Englewood students for college or trade school. This year we interviewed more than 20 candidates and had to make some very hard decisions, as all were so wonderful and deserving. We gave six new four-year scholarships at $1,000 a year. We are still funding returning scholars in their second or third year, as well.
It's an extraordinary accomplishment for a club of just 30 members. Investments in our foundation plus current-year fund-raising make this possible. 
We love our scholars! 2017-06-22 06:00:00Z 0

A drone overhead

It's lunchtime at Englewood Rotary, and there's a drone in the air. Who would have thought? Anthony White from the Arapahoe Libraries flew the drone for us during a fascinating program about our libraries. 
A drone overhead 2017-03-13 06:00:00Z 0

Our Club in Your Hub

Englewood Rotary is featured in the Jan. 12 edition of Your Hub, a local news section of the Denver Post. 
It's all about our campaign to increase our membership and our ability to do good things in our community and in the world.
Our Club in Your Hub 2017-01-11 07:00:00Z 0

Not exactly elves. . . 

Posted on Dec 11, 2016
But we made merry for 44 preschoolers from the Village for Early Childhood Education in Littleton. For the 21st year -- 21 YEARS!! -- we hosted children and gave them big bags of clothing and toys -- parkas, knit caps, gloves, pajamas, warm-up suits and TOYS. We delighted as they ran onto the stage to meet Santa and as he coaxed each one to saying Merry Christmas! into the microphone. 
Not exactly elves. . .  2016-12-11 07:00:00Z 0

Our good deeds in Senegal

Englewood Rotary was in Gueoul, Senegal, last summer via our member Judy Beggs and our newest member Katie Wright (in photograph). Our club provided grant money of $2,500, the Wheat Ridge club added $1,500, and that was matched by the District. That money, and a lot of dedication by Judy and Katie, produced training for teachers in English as a Second Language.
Our good deeds in Senegal 2016-11-27 07:00:00Z 0

Great speakers, again!


A new meeting place

We enjoyed a great program -- thank you, Salvation Army -- good food and a fabulous view straight down to Pikes Peak, all at a new venue for us, Brookdale Meridian Englewood. Salvation Army volunteer and advocate Lothar Vasholz and Major Clay Gardner educated us on the scope of the 
Army's work worldwide and in our own community. 
Club members will be ringing the bell at the Salvation Army Red Kettle again this year, as we have for so many seasons. 
Great speakers, again! 2016-09-22 00:00:00Z 0

Where our money goes. . . 

Posted by Patty Burnett on Sep 21, 2016
The Board of Directors recently approved an impressive list of charitable giving for the 2016-17 Rotary year, totaling more than $23,000.
At the top of our list, we continue to give scholarships to college or trade schools in the amount of $10,000 or more per year. We also will sponsor a senior high recent grad for a year abroad through the Rocky Mountain Rotary Youth Exchange program. 
Our philanthropy and service projects are heavily focused on children and youth. We will spend $1,800 to send four students to the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards camps next summer. Students always report to us, "It was life-changing."
Our Four-Way Test Essay Contest touches every elementary school child in grades four, five and six, at a cost of $2,500. Students solve an ethical problem, using Rotary's code of ethics called the Four-Way Test, then write essays. Winners are honored at a lunch and given bookstore gift certificates.
Where our money goes. . .  Patty Burnett 2016-09-21 06:00:00Z 0

Centennial Airport Tour, Perfect Landing Dinner

ROTARY ROTATES to Centennial Airport
Wednesday, Sept. 28
This is a special event for the members and family of Englewood Rotary. We call it Rotary Rotates, as we move, or rotate, to a new venue for a special experience. In this case, it's a tour of Centennial Airport. 
Meet at 4 p.m. at the air traffic control tower. The physical address is 7800 S. Peoria St., Englewood, CO 80112.  If you plan to use a GPS, please use the exact address.  Siri apparently is unhelpful.
Come like you are on your way to the Perfect Landing (Peoria Street). However, rather than turning into the Denver JetCenter parking lot, keep driving south on Peoria toward the air traffic control tower.
As you approach the tower, you will enter a roundabout. To your right, you will see the parking lot. Park there, and then come to the pedestrian gate at the base of the tower. If weather allows, we will wait until everyone has arrived and enter as a group.
Next we push the intercom box that says "AIRPORT AUTHORITY" and announce ourselves as the tour group. Leading the tour will be Deb Smith, the airport’s Public Information Officer/Media and Communications Manager, and a fan of Bob Burdick, with whom she worked when he consulted at Colorado Community Newspapers a few years ago. She will greet us and escort us to the Wright Brothers Room where our tour will begin with a history of the airport--and some “tall tales.”
We will then go back down and board the tour bus for the airfield tour.  The tour will end in the same lot with our cars, so we can then drive to the Perfect Landing.
Signed up for the tour:
Bob and Patty, Jim and Stacey, Franz, Dick, Bruce and Linda, Judy, Katie (Gueoul volunteer), Frank, Glory, Vee and John, Frank. One slot is still available.
Reservations at 5 p.m. for 20 are in the name of Patty Burnett. This will be a Dutch Treat event, though the club will supplement $20 for each member. 
Signed up for dinner and not the tour:
Susan, Dawn, Joanne C. , Josh and Jane, Peter.
Centennial Airport Tour, Perfect Landing Dinner 2016-09-12 00:00:00Z 0

Happy Fourth of July!

I have something else to celebrate: I figured out how to do a bulletin in ClubRunner! The system had defied me, even though I am very experienced in building news pages. But there's a new easier way, and I maybe have mastered it. We'll see.
Join us Wednesday for lunch at the Wellshire. Glory has lined up a speaker for us (see the list!) and we have a potential new member attending: Bob Burdick. I am hoping the board will approve him!
See you for lunch. Patty 
Happy Fourth of July! 2016-07-04 00:00:00Z 0

Special meeting -- don't miss it

At our meeting Wednesday, May 6, President Bruce will lead us in a discussion about critical club leadership issues. In the last several weeks, our Treasurer Jerry Orlovsky has resigned, as has our Golf Chairman Bill Hopkins, who is moving out of state. 
Bruce Spear will serve as our President for a second year, beginning in July, but we need a President-Elect for the following Rotary year, and someone to fill in for Bruce when he travels for at least eight weeks in 2015-16.
We need to fill these positions as soon as possible.
Please attend to support our President and to ensure a solid future for our club. 
Special meeting -- don't miss it 2015-04-30 00:00:00Z 0

Great program ahead!

Our own member Phil Harding will be at the podium with an interesting program Feb. 25 about his experience on the weekly "Ask the Attorney" segment on Denver TV station KWGN Colorado's Best. He'll have clips from the show and share how it all works. We all know Phil will be great, so bring a friend -- or better, a prospective member. 
Great program ahead! 2015-02-05 00:00:00Z 0

This week in Rotary

Have you ever heard the expression: Tie a string around your finger. . . so you won't forget. Incredibly, Mr. Yahoo says this comes from Exodus in the Bible, as a reminder to be holy -- or from the Marvellettes of the '60s (
Well, I'm not asking anyone to be holy or sing Soul, but I do want you to remember that we have a golf committee meeting Wednesday at 11 before lunch at the Wellshire. Bring your ideas and energy, please, Patty 
This week in Rotary 2015-01-05 00:00:00Z 0

August 14: Mayor Mike Dunafon

Posted by William Hopkins on Aug 03, 2013

Mike Dunafon is the ninth Mayor of Glendale in its 60-year history. Prior to his election, Mayor Dunafon served as Mayor Pro Tem for eight years and has been a member of the Glendale Planning Commission since 1999 and Chairman since 2004.

August 14: Mayor Mike Dunafon William Hopkins 2013-08-04 00:00:00Z 0

August 7: Chet Sisk

Posted by William Hopkins on Aug 03, 2013
Chet W. Sisk is a 11 year Life Coach as well as Leadership Development Specialist to the World Assembly Of Youth. He is a Journalism graduate from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale and a former Walter Kaitz Foundation Fellow. 
August 7: Chet Sisk William Hopkins 2013-08-04 00:00:00Z 0

July 31 Meeting: David Collie of the Colorado Egg Producers Association

Posted by William Hopkins on Jul 29, 2013
story thumbnail

Seven family owned and operated farms, many of which are 2nd generation, make up the Colorado Egg Producers Association.  The Association was formed nearly a quarter century ago to help promote fresh eggs and educate Coloradans about egg production in the state. These farms include Sparboe Farms located in Hudson, CO

Every Colorado egg producer, although diverse in size and management style, has one resounding philosophy: “producing a safe and wholesome product for consumers while providing acceptable animal husbandry standards.”  All Colorado Egg Producer Association members subscribe to a Code of Conduct in working with their chickens.  More information is available at 

David Collie is the Sales and Marketing Area Manager for Sparboe Farms the 4th largest table egg producer in North America. I currently cover a 5 state region working with both Foodservice and Retail corporate account management and sales.

David is a graduate of Michigan State University.

July 31 Meeting: David Collie of the Colorado Egg Producers Association William Hopkins 2013-07-30 00:00:00Z 0

July 24 Meeting: Rotary Satellite Clubs

Posted by William Hopkins on Jul 15, 2013

Laura A. Smith is President of the Boulder New Generations Rotary Club.  The club was chosen to be in the Rotary International Satellite Club Pilot Program.  The pilot program started in July of 2011 and is scheduled to end in June of 2014.  However, in April of 2013 Rotary International deemed that the satellite club program may be implemented by all Rotary clubs’ that meet the guidelines.


The purpose of the pilot program is stated by Rotary International as follows:  “Feedback from numerous Rotary surveys and focus groups has repeatedly shown that prospective members and current younger Rotarians require flexibility in their Rotary club membership.  This pilot is structured to research alternatives and options to club operations and the overall impact on membership trends, the club’s overall effectiveness, and success within the four elements of an effective club.”


The Rotary Club of Englewood will be considering implementing the satellite club concept in 2013.

July 24 Meeting: Rotary Satellite Clubs William Hopkins 2013-07-16 00:00:00Z 0
July 17 Meeting: The State of Englewood Schools William Hopkins 2013-07-11 00:00:00Z 0


Posted by William Hopkins on Jul 08, 2013

The Honorable Charles Nadler will be presenting on Wednesday, July 10, 2013.

Mr. Nadler completed his law degree in 1984 at the University Of Iowa, College Of Law.  Since graduating law school Mr. Nadler has been a partner at Nadler & Weston.  Mr. Nadler has also held a variety of teaching jobs including: an adjunct faculty member at Everest College and Kirkwood Community College, and an assistant professor at Central Washington State University.  In 2009 Mr. Nadler was a Colorado Criminal Defense Bar Gideon Award Recipient.


Bankruptcy William Hopkins 2013-07-09 00:00:00Z 0

Installation Dinner

Posted by Larry Matten on Jun 26, 2012
Wednesday evening was a gala celebration of a wonderful year under the leadership of Josh Staller. Our new President Larry Matten announced his new Board. Past President-Josh Stoller, President-elect and Chair of the Foundation Board - Dick Hansen, Secretary-Bob Fritz, Treasurer-Paul Carleno, Treasurer of the Foundation-Don Loyd, Membership Chair-David Lee, Trustee-Bob Burdick, Trustee-Bill Hopkins, Trustee-Frank Sargent, Trustee-Samiah Ahmad, Trustee-Vee Sabel. 

The dinner was held at the Twin Dragons Restaurant on Broadway in Englewood. This is the first installation dinner for the Englewood Rotary Club held in Englewood in over ten years. It was nice to have a celebration in the community to which we direct most of our service activities.
Installation Dinner Larry Matten 2012-06-27 00:00:00Z 0

A peek at the future

Posted by Patricia Burnett on Mar 07, 2012


President-elect Larry Matten presided at our meeting March 7 in President Josh's absence. We also had a special visitor, Ross King, who will be the Assistant Governor assigned to our club in July when Larry's term as president begins.

A peek at the future Patricia Burnett 2012-03-08 00:00:00Z 0

Ho, ho, ho!

Posted by Patricia Burnett on Dec 11, 2011


Santa’s sleigh was very full – he had large bags of toys and clothes for 47 preschoolers who were our lunch guests Dec. 6 at the Buck Center in Littleton.
Our club makes this happen each year for children from The Village for Early Childhood Education. After a lunch of hamburgers, hot dogs and red and green cupcakes -- with sprinkles! -- Santa called each child to the stage for a hug and encouragement. Rotarians were Santa’s helpers, handing the oversized gift bags to wide-eyed kids. 
The Village is a unique program of Littleton Public Schools, a nonprofit entity that serves approximately 360 children ages 5 and younger. “A wonderfully diverse group of children make up our student body, and a dedicated staff enjoys every day with them,” said Phyllis Dornseif, director. “Our program consists of Head Start and Colorado state-sponsored children at risk for kindergarten difficulties, tuition-paying families, special education children with mild to moderate needs, and English-language learners.”
Our own Dr. Frank Sargent, with volunteer help from the club and support from the Buck Center staff, coordinates the annual holiday lunch with The Village. Englewood Walmart generously provides clothing and gifts at a discount.
“We see these kids running up to Santa, hugging him. They are so thrilled. And we know their Christmas will be a little brighter because of these gifts, which is rewarding for us,” Dr. Sargent said.
Another instrumental volunteer for the event was Ron Olivett, a former Rotarian whose voice and good cheer greatly resemble Santa’s.
Frank led the way, coordinating, shopping, sorting and wrapping, with help from daughter Linda and granddaughter Courtney.
Our club's experienced grandparents such as Larry Matten and Ann Fort charmed children at their tables with nursery rhymes and games.
Also attending and hosting kids were Dawn Shepherd (who supplied table decorations and shopped for gifts), Gary Sears (another shopper), Don Loyd with wife Lori and his dad, Bill Hopkins, Dick Hansen, Spencer Mamber (photographer), Sherry Sargent (photographer), Bob Fritz,  Jim Bowman, Josh Staller (emcee), Vee Sabel, Paul Carleno and Patty Burnett. (If I missed anyone, let me know and I will add your name!) 
And we had Cathy Eggleston at the piano, playing Christmas carols. President Josh led us in singing Jingle Bells and Here Comes Santa Claus -- and then Santa really came!

                                                                  Adapted from the press release sent to The Villager 





Ho, ho, ho! Patricia Burnett 2011-12-12 00:00:00Z 0

Bring food for Inter-Faith!

Posted by Patricia Burnett on Aug 21, 2011

Jerry Orlovsky is collecting food for Inter-Faith Community Services. Let's support Jerry with a big contribution of nonperishable food Wednesday. And remember that we're the Jelly Club! So help us keep that jelly shelf at Inter-Faith well-stocked.

I think sometimes we forget how much Inter-Faith does in our community, so here's so info from its web page, just to remind us.

 Inter-Faith is probably best-known for its food and clothing banks, which are truly a reflection of our community. Community members - schools, churches, service clubs, businesses and families, donate all the food and clothing.

One of Inter-Faith's main goals is homeless prevention. Through a variety of resources including financial assistance (rental, utility, mortgage assistance), transitional and off-site housing IFCS is able to help families achieve their housing goals, access more affordable housing or simply help its families maintain their present shelter. 

Inter-Faith also has many other programs to help the community-programs for homebound seniors: medical transportation, lunch bunch and grocery shopping help; financial assistance: medical prescriptions, gas vouchers, bus tokens and birth certificates; gift of hearing and sight programs; victim assistance; youth programs including Ready, Set, School!: a program where low-income children are sponsored by groups or individuals and the children receive a brand new outfit (shoes, underwear, clothes, socks, etc.), a new backpack and school supplies to start their school year off on the best foot possible; and Thanksgiving and Holiday Baskets for families and seniors that would not be able to celebrate these holidays without the community's help. 

Bring food for Inter-Faith! Patricia Burnett 2011-08-22 00:00:00Z 0

Englewood's Eats and Beats Musical Festival -- we were there!

Posted by Patricia Burnett on Jun 26, 2011

Dick Hansen made it happen: On Saturday we sold beer and hung out at the Breckenridge Brewery tent just behind the shops of the South Broadway Mile. And it was a lot of fun. There was music (very very loud) and food and people enjoying a summer day. 

Thanks, Dick, for leading us and for hanging in all those hours in the hot sun.  For the first time since I have been in the club, we had a strong presence at an Englewood community event. And it was educational -- we told people all about Rotary, as well as about Summer Bright and Agave Wheat beers. Tasty!

Dick had some good company during the day: Volunteers David and Pam Lee, Vee and John Sabel, Josh Staller, Larry Matten, Paul Carleno, Spencer Mamber, Ann Fort, Liz Thomas, Gary Sears, Bob Burdick and Patty Burnett. We are indebted to his good friends Bruce and Peter Brookens and Vic Calonder, who volunteered as well. 

We were cute enough (or maybe it was those 20-something Breck Beer girls in shorts) to earn $71.25 in tips, which we designated for our scholarship fund. We also will receive a percentage of the sales, though the final accounting may take some time.  Whew! That was one busy Rotary week! Patty   

Englewood's Eats and Beats Musical Festival -- we were there! Patricia Burnett 2011-06-27 00:00:00Z 0

Wow! What a golf tournament!

Posted by Patricia Burnett on Jun 26, 2011

Thank you, chairman Jerry Orlovsky and the Golf Committee, for a fabulous day on the links. There has been much conversation in the ensuing week about just how wonderful a day it was -- the weather, the course, the players, the auction, the staff at Saddle Rock, even the smooth check-in!

And we raised good money! Jerry is close to a final tabulation. We can celebrate that Wednesday at the installation dinner.

Meantime, another WOW! for a great event. Patty  


Wow! What a golf tournament! Patricia Burnett 2011-06-27 00:00:00Z 0

Installation Dinner is Wed. -- no noon meeting

Posted by Patricia Burnett on Jun 26, 2011

Happy Rotary New Year, everyone! On Wednesday, we close out a very successful year for Englewood Rotary and install Josh Staller as president for the next great year in this club. We're sure to have a terrific evening of Rotary camaraderie. 

There is no meeting at the Wellshire on Wednesday.

Instead, join us for dinner at Maggiano's, 7401 S. Clinton St., Englewood 80112 (just off I-25, near Dry Creek) 6:30 to 9 p.m. 

See you there! Patty  

Installation Dinner is Wed. -- no noon meeting Patricia Burnett 2011-06-27 00:00:00Z 0

Hooray for Paula and a successful basketball camp for kids

Posted by Patricia Burnett on Jun 26, 2011

Through Paula's leadership, our club received a District Simplified Grant to create a basketball camp for some kids who don't ordinarily get such special attention.   Here's Paula's report:  

Basketball was absolutely spectacular. We had donuts, muffins and juice for the “sign in” time.  There were 12 kids who actually got “coached” but there were several others milling about over the course of the morning as well.  We had 4 coaches, and Pastor Scott Caranza of Iglesia Gracia y Vida (the church and school) translated when necessary. 

The kids learned dribbling and jump stops, they learned proper passing techniques, right and left handed lay-ups, they did some other dribbling drills around cones and with some defenders, then they got in two lines and one line did lay-ups while the other line did rebounds and then switched. 

There is still need for a portable, adjustable hoop for the littler kids, which we might be able to afford from Foundation funds, Patty says.

In the grant, we purchased basketball backboards and hoops, supplies like the cones and some net jerseys for scrimmages, and ten basketballs and a basketball rack. We also had money for a coaching stipend, a translator and food.

Many neighborhood children will be served by the sporting equipment we provided. The church building is in the center of three trailer courts and apartment “projects”.  The schools in the area are 100% subsidized lunches, and the population of the area is largely Hispanic. Westwood is in the top three most destitute areas of Denver.

We grilled hotdogs, brats and corn for lunch.  And we had chips, watermelon and popsicles as well. 

We began the day with set-up at 8:30, where I was accompanied by Don Loyd, Rob Knuth and Josh Staller, as well as Scott Caranza. Spencer Mamber came by to take pictures, and Dick and Joanne Castleman helped with cooking and cleanup.  It was a great day of hands-on Rotary service. 

Hooray for Paula and a successful basketball camp for kids Patricia Burnett 2011-06-27 00:00:00Z 0

Celebrating our successes -- past and future!

Posted by Patricia Burnett on May 30, 2011

As our Rotary year wraps up, we will look at our successes, hear a little about next year and pick your brains for what we can do to make the Rotary Club of Englewood the very best it can be. (OK, it's a Club Assembly this week, but we have a lot to talk about!) Expect to hear from Josh, Paula, Frank, David Lee, Jerry, Judy, David Simon, Ann, Patty -- it's all about Englewood Rotary!

And suddenly we're in JUNE, with June 21 our great golf tournament. Bring in some auction items, recruit some golfers! We need to make Big Money to fund our charitable projects.

Saturday, June 4, is the District Assembly -- essentially training for our leaders and anyone else who wants to learn more about how Rotary works. If you'd like to attend, the club will pay your way. Please email me ASAP: 

See you manana, Patty Burnett, president. 

Celebrating our successes -- past and future! Patricia Burnett 2011-05-31 00:00:00Z 0

Join us to celebrate our Circle of Heroes!

Posted by Patricia Burnett on Apr 24, 2011

We will have a very special meeting Wednesday, inducting an Englewood teacher, a firefighter and a police officer into our Circle of  Heroes. This tradition began in 2009 as way of expressing our appreciation and amazement at the work and service of men and women in these civic roles. This is our opportunity to show these public servants our admiration and to recognize their commitment and contributions to our community. 

We are expecting a very large crowd -- 25 guests -- and will be meeting in the newly re-decorated Onyx Room of the Wellshire Inn.  I encourage everyone to welcome our guests and mingle before the meeting starts. This is a great opportunity to demonstrate our hospitality and make a memorable impression on people who will share their experience with their friends and family, broadening the community's understanding of Englewood Rotary.

We will not be conducting business as usual Wednesday -- no announcements unless time-critical, no happy bucks. Please let me know if you need to send an email blast, and I can help you do that.

This is a new format for this program. Please help make it a success. And say thank you to Dawn Shepherd, who has chaired and organized this event.

See you at a great meeting Wednesday, Patty  

Join us to celebrate our Circle of Heroes! Patricia Burnett 2011-04-25 00:00:00Z 0

Great fun, great friends, great hosts

Posted by Patricia Burnett on Mar 20, 2011
story thumbnail

We had a fabulous evening of Rotarian camaraderie on Saturday. Thank you, Vee and John Sabel, for hosting us in your beautiful home.

You can see exactly what I mean in a Photo Album that you can find on the left side of our website, Thanks, Spencer, for that fine camera work.

Please remember that we are DARK this Wednesday, March 23. We partied instead of meeting-ed. 

We have a great line-up of speakers beginning March 30, so come back and enjoy.

                                                    In the spirit of Rotary, Patty    

Great fun, great friends, great hosts Patricia Burnett 2011-03-21 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary this week

Posted by Josh Staller on Mar 13, 2011

On Wednesday, March 16th, come hear Karen Brofft,  Assistant Superintendent of Learning Services and Communications, talk about Englewood Schools: The Next Chapter.  ​Karen will tell us about “the current state of achievement in Englewood Schools, what we are doing about it, and the help we need from community members (such as Rotarians) to accomplish our goals.”

In other news, we need jelly! Don’t forget to bring jelly on Wednesday to help replenish Interfaith’s food bank.

Also, there will be a board meeting immediately following our luncheon.

Rotary this week Josh Staller 2011-03-14 00:00:00Z 0

We're ROTATING on Wednesday, March 9

Posted by Patricia Burnett on Mar 06, 2011

If you go to the Wellshire Inn, you'll be lonely and hungry, because the rest of the club will be at the police and fire headquarters for a Rotation Day.

If you go to the Civic Center where we've had our Bangladesh dinners, you also will be club-less (and clueless?), because the police and fire headquarters are at 3615 S. Elati Street. Here's a link to a map. It's 2 blocks south of Hampden.

If you have any problems, call me on my cell. Patty: 720-234-6010.

We're looking forward to a tour of the facility, followed by lunch and a Q&A with Police Chief Vandermee and Fire Chief Patarozzi. Our member, City Manager Gary Sears, will be on hand, as well.  

And we have a great turnout! 24 members have signed up. If you have not signed up and want to attend, please email me and I will let you know the sandwich choices from JimmyJohn's: We'd love to have you.


We're ROTATING on Wednesday, March 9 Patricia Burnett 2011-03-07 00:00:00Z 0

Welcome Wayne Harding!

Posted by Josh Staller on Mar 02, 2011
story thumbnail
We are pleased to welcome Wayne Harding as the newest member of our club.  Wayne was born in 1921 in Fort Smith, Arkansas, and graduated from Princeton University.  Wayne served as a naval pilot in World War II, and became a civilian test pilot following the war.  He married Nancy Gean from Fort Smith in 1948, and they raised five children in Topeka, Kansas and Denver, Colorado.  Wayne founded two businesses, Harding Glass and Harding Steel, and he is the author of The Extra 2% That Makes Sales Happen.  Wayne has been a Rotarian for sixty years, and we are proud to have both father and son, Wayne and Phil Harding, in our club! 
Welcome Wayne Harding! Josh Staller 2011-03-03 00:00:00Z 0
Rotary this week! Patricia Burnett 2011-02-27 00:00:00Z 0

Our meeting, Wednesday, Feb. 23

Posted by Josh Staller on Feb 21, 2011

Hey, everyone. Tomorrow at our regular meeting. Robert Spalding, our member and webmaster, will be presenting The New All-Improved, Work-in-Progress website via the software known as ClubRunner. Josh Staller is another member with deep knowledge of our new Web Reality.

Plus, Robert will talk to us about Englewood Rotary on FaceBook.

Golf Chairman Jerry Orlovsky asks Golf Committee members to stay after the regular meeting to brainstorm and prepare for our best-ever tournament, June 21. 

So bring your techno-brains, folks. And plan to enjoy fellowship and good friends, as always.

Our meeting, Wednesday, Feb. 23 Josh Staller 2011-02-22 00:00:00Z 0

It's time to recruit kids for RYLA and Young RYLA

Posted by Gerald Orlovsky on Feb 16, 2011
Just a friendly reminder that RYLA/Young RYLA registration begins today (Feb. 17). The link to the website is   Please be sure and tell prospective applicants to list Englewood Rotary as the sponsoring club when filling out the online application.  We are looking for current high school sophomores and juniors for RYLA and current 7th graders for Young RYLA. Please feel free to call or e-mail me with any questions. 
It's time to recruit kids for RYLA and Young RYLA Gerald Orlovsky 2011-02-17 00:00:00Z 0
"Our girls" at Exclesior Patricia Burnett 2011-02-14 00:00:00Z 0

Volunteers needed to deliver flowers to nursing homes

Posted by Patricia Burnett on Feb 13, 2011

Each year the Rotary Club of Arvada coordinates the processing and delivery of potted plants from the Colorado Garden & Home Show to nursing homes. It's such a big job that they recruit volunteers from other clubs, including ours.

If you would like to participate this year, please let me know, and I will connect you to the Arvada Rotarians in charge. The job entails selecting nursing homes, pickup and delivery on Monday morning, Feb. 21.   

Thanks, Patty  

Volunteers needed to deliver flowers to nursing homes Patricia Burnett 2011-02-14 00:00:00Z 0

Light up downtown Denver and dine out! It's part of our fight against polio

Posted by Patricia Burnett on Feb 13, 2011

Here is a message from our District Governor Karen Sekich:

All you have to do to support the world-wide fight to end polio is to eat out for Kickin’ Polio at one of your favorite local restaurants and pubs

Rotary District 5450 has teamed up with nearly 20 restaurant and pub owners who believe in our final full-field press to eradicate polio once and for all.  Please join us on February 23rd by eating out that day at one of the establishments you find below or find their full details on

You’ll know the day has come when you see the End Polio Now Emblem alight on the Denver City and County Building and other buildings around the downtown area.  It is a reminder to us as Rotarians that we are so very near the end of this crippling disease, and it will serve to raise awareness in the public once again that this disease is still within a plane ride of our own children.

For so many years now we and other Rotarians and health organizations have waged a battle against Polio around the globe, and today I am able to share with you just how close we really are.  This past year the world saw less than 1,000 cases of polio – that’s down from the 350,000 per year when Rotary International started the End Polio campaign in 1985.  

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation offered PolioPlus a matching gift of $200,000,000.  Rotarians have until June 30, 2012 to raise the matching amount.  Later, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation increased the gift amount to $355,000,000 with the requirement that Rotary only had to match the original amount.  Approximately, $155,000,000 has been raised.  Rotary is raising polio awareness to meet the goal of matching the grant. 

This means that our final goal is well within reach.  Our district has just $75,000 yet to raise to complete our financial commitment to fully eradicate this crippling disease - A disease that often attacks children under five years old and severely cripples and/or paralyzes all who contract the virus. 

This Districts financial commitment is more critical than ever at this stage in order to complete the necessary vaccinations and the three year monitoring period that remains to officially declare a global disease eliminated permanently. Wild p olio virus is a bit like the weeds in our gardens… you pull the visible weeds and get as much of the root as you can, but for a period of time afterward you must be vigilant to pull new shoots.  Wild polio virus is similar, but with a much longer period of removing the shoots, and that is why it is so important to fulfill our commitment to this project now – to get us through the final stage when we can declare success! 


Here's a link to a list of participating restaurants. 

Light up downtown Denver and dine out! It's part of our fight against polio Patricia Burnett 2011-02-14 00:00:00Z 0

February is Black History Month

Posted by Patricia Burnett on Feb 12, 2011

On Wednesday we'll hear from Bob's good friend, and mine, Denny Dressman. Denny is a former VP with the Rocky Mountain News. Earlier in his career he was a sports editor, and he is deeply knowledgeable about sports, most especially Rockies baseball. But he'll be talking with us about  legendary Grambling football coach Eddie Robinson, who was the Martin Luther King of football. Denny has written a book about Robinson, and in the process he learned a great deal about the Jim Crow Era in American history. It was fascinating research. Wait 'til you hear. . . . 

Following this meeting, we will have a board meeting from 1:45 to 2:30. 

Yesterday (Saturday) was Inter-Faith Community Service's benefit Nibbles & Sips at the DTC Hyatt. It was a fabulous party with lots of vendors offering samples of wines, beers and the stronger stuff, along with yummy appetizers. Bob and I enjoyed the company of Vee Sabel, Don and Lori Loyd and our friends the Dressmans at our table. Frank and Sherry Sargent and their family and friends were at several other tables. The great news is that this was a very, very successful fund-raiser. The live auction alone brought in $22,000. And it couldn't come at a better time, because Inter-Faith is the safety net for so many people who have lost their jobs or otherwise hit hard times. 

At our meeting Feb. 23, we will introduce the club to our new website and ClubRunner software. Webmaster Robert Spalding, with Josh Staller, will demonstrate the many benefits of this improved means of communicating with our members and guests. Robert also will teach us about our club's presence on Facebook, and how we can all add to content there.
And coming up in March, we will be socializing with a potluck party at Vee and John Sabel's home. One of my goals for this Rotary year was to increase opportunities for fellowship and fun. This evening, Saturday, March 19, promises to be a highlight! 
You can check out the complete calendar on our website now.  
See you at the Wellshire! 
                                                                                                                 Your President, Patty 

February is Black History Month Patricia Burnett 2011-02-13 00:00:00Z 0

Early History of Englewood Rotary Club

Posted by Josh Staller on Dec 10, 2010

The Englewood Rotary Club was founded in 1937, with 17 charter members.  There was a formal celebration on the evening of November 17th, when the club charter was delivered by District Governor Bernie Vessey of Colorado Springs.   A turkey dinner was served by the ladies of the Community Church. 

In that era, the Chamber of Commerce brochure touted Englewood as follows:

  • The city that goes only forward
  • Big city advantages close at hand
  • Ideal for the poultryman and stockman
  • A future industrial center
  • Ideally situated for the tourist

The charter members of the club included

  • Walter Ehrlich, who sold insurance in Englewood for 42 years
  • Max Hessel, who set a national record by working for Standard Oil Company at local service stations for fifty-five years
  • Dr. Gatewood Milligan, who graduated from the CU School of Medicine in 1933 and went on to lead the staff at Porter and Swedish hospitals
  • Vince Scrivner, who worked for Colorado Central Power Company
  • Dr. Harry Weigand, who operated a small animal hospital on South Broadway, and also served as the Mayor of Englewood from 1951  to 1954

The admission fee to join the club was ten dollars, with yearly dues of fifteen dollars.  The first service project collected 25 cents a week to help crippled children.  Corrective surgery was performed at Memorial Hospital in Colorado Springs by volunteer physicians.

A copy of the club charter, and a list of charter members, are shown below.


Club Charter

Charter members (part 1)
Charter members (part 2)
Early History of Englewood Rotary Club Josh Staller 2010-12-11 00:00:00Z 0

We're a club of good friends dedicated to service in our community and the world

Posted by Patricia Burnett on Nov 18, 2010
   Englewood Rotary: Community Service 911

We are a diverse group of professional men and women dedicated to service.  In our community and around the world we

  • create opportunities for children's educational and ethical development 
  • prevent hunger
  • promote health  

We come together each week to enjoy each other's company and to be enriched by educational, entertaining and heart-warming programs. Our families join us in our service and our fellowship. 

We are part of Rotary International, which has more than 1.2 million members worldwide. We live by its motto, Service Above Self. We live by its code of ethics known as The 4 Way Test. 

We are Englewood Rotary.

Locally, we support education and literacy:

  • giving $8,000 or more a year in college scholarships to Englewood high school seniors
  • teaching real-life ethics through a fun Four-Way Test essay contest for elementary school students
  • supplying disadvantaged children with full back-to-school backpacks
  • sending middle school and high school students to an extraordinary Rotary camp that teaches leadership
  • mentoring, teaching chess and reading with elementary school children
  • giving books to the library of an adopted elementary school and “first books” to parents of newborns at a local hospital
  • and providing monthly educational and fun activities for girls in a residential school for abused and troubled youth

We are major supporters of Inter-Faith Community Services, helping the working poor and seniors of our county.

World-wide, we support Rotary International’s mission to eradicate polio from the world. We  partner with Rotary Clubs in other nations on educational and humanitarian projects, such as:

  • opening a computer classroom for girls in Senegal
  • bringing clean water, sanitation and a rural hospital to Bangladesh
  • supplying new libraries with books in Kenya


We're a club of good friends dedicated to service in our community and the world Patricia Burnett 2010-11-19 00:00:00Z 0

Friends of Gueoul

Posted by Josh Staller


Who doesn't like some fun Music, Food AND Helping our young girls in Gueoul?

What a nice opportunity to do all! It's this Saturday- see the above and come down and enjoy the fun. If you can't make it, it's just as easy, just send a check to "Friends of Gueoul, 3120 S. Race St., Englewood, CO 80113." As "Bartels & James" used to say, "We appreciate your support!"


Friends of Gueoul Josh Staller 0

Englewood Herald: Rotary adds three to Circle of Heroes

Posted by Josh Staller

Three names were added to the Englewood Rotary Club's Circle of Heroes at the club's April 30 meeting.

Honored this year were Dan Alley, Angel Aguilar and Debby Moomaw. Dawn Shepherd heads the club's Circle of Heroes program and talked about this year's honorees.

"The people we honor are our friends, our neighbors in the police department, fire department and school district who serve the people of Englewood community," she said.  "We are honoring three people today, but all the police, firefighters and school district people are our heroes."


Englewood Herald: Rotary adds three to Circle of Heroes Josh Staller 0

YourHub: Rotary Club of Englewood makes college dreams a reality

Posted by Josh Staller

The Rotary Club of Englewood is not a large organization. Consisting of only about 40 members, it still does big things for kids in Englewood and around the world.

With its annual golf tournament at Saddle Rock Golf Course, the club raises enough money to give out about $10,000 a year in scholarships to high school graduates from Englewood Schools as well as to help with other children’s programs in Englewood and around the world. The tournament, which takes place every June, raises money from hole sponsorships as well as individual golfers.

The past few years, five graduates from Englewood Schools have received a $2,000 scholarship, which they receive in installments for first two years of college.


YourHub: Rotary Club of Englewood makes college dreams a reality Josh Staller 0

Board Meeting

Posted by Larry Matten

There will be a board meeting at 1:30 this Wednesday.  The main agenda items include: new membership requirements, final decision on use of credit cards for club events, budget for remainder of year, matching funds for next year's projects. 

Board Meeting Larry Matten 0

New President-Elect BILL HOPKINS

Posted by Larry Matten

Bill Hopkins has consented to be our president for the 2013-14 year.  He has stepped up and exhibited the true spirit of Rotary by volunteering to lead us through our next year.  Please thank and congratulate him the next time that you see him.  Also, please indicate to him that you will support and help him during the next year.  This year, Bill has taken on the job of coordinating the Exchange Student program with the Castle Rock Rotary club.  Our exchange student, Emma, from New Zealand, will visit our club next month.  Next year, Bill will need someone to step up and take over his job with the Exchange Student program.  Bill has also had the requisite training for the new Future Vision program so that he will be ready to go with our grants programs.  Bill has been an enthusiastic member of our Board of Directors this year and will have the historic knowledge to continue with our programs.  All in all, I think that we are very lucky to have a president-elect like Bill Hopkins.

New President-Elect BILL HOPKINS Larry Matten 0
Meeting this week at the Welshire Country Club Larry Matten 0

Directions to the Sabel's home for Holiday Party on the 7th

Posted by Larry Matten

From the intersection of University Boulevard and Belleview Avenue:

1. go west one block to Summit - MAKE A RIGHT

2. make 1st Right onto Sterling

3. make 1st right onto Belleview Place

4. Sabel's home is 1st house on the right

6:30 to 8:30 pm, Friday, December 7, 2012

Vivian and John Sabel

5 E Belleview Place

303 761-5475

Click "more" for map

Directions to the Sabel's home for Holiday Party on the 7th Larry Matten 0
Wine Country Cruise Larry Matten 0

Englewood Rotary Foundation Board Meeting

Posted by Larry Matten
Our Englewood Rotary Foundation Board met last week (August 29) and discussed a number of items.  The major item of discussion involved the investments of the corpus funds in order to maintain our interest income while retaining low risk for total investments.  The Board voted to make some minor changes in order to stimulate more growth in value of the corpus while increasing the annual income slightly.  

Board meetings are open to all members.  Please come and see what it is all about.  If you wish to become a member of the board please contact Dick Hansen or Don Loyd.  The board meets quarterly.
Englewood Rotary Foundation Board Meeting Larry Matten 0

Literacy Activities

Posted by Larry Matten

I was asked to update our list of Literacy Activities for the District Literacy Committee.  Thought that it would be a good idea to share this information with you so that you have current ammunition for your brag sheet.


Current Activities and areas of Support

·      Scholarships - Six 2-year $2,000 College or vocational school scholarships are given to high school seniors from Englewood area high schools.  The scholarships are funded by our Englewood Rotary Foundation that was started years ago specifically for this purpose and by as well as by current fund-raising activities

·      First Book Program - Our First Book Program in conjunction with Swedish Medical Auxiliary provides an early childhood book of nursery rhymes to be sent home with the family after the birth of their new child.  The club provides financial support to purchase the books and book plates.  The book plate on the inside cover says that the book is provided by Englewood Rotary and the Swedish Medical Auxiliary and a statement encouraging the parents to read to their child.

·      Rotarians Read Program - Englewood Rotarians read with Bishop Elementary School students in Englewood each Thursday morning, one on one.

·      Back to School Program -  The Englewood Rotary Club provides backpacks filled with school supplies to the neediest students at Bishop Elementary School.

·      Book Donation Program – The Englewood Rotary Club dedicates a book to the school library of Bishop Elementary School in honor of our guest speaker. We supply the funds for the book and the book plate with the honoree’s name.

·      Science Fair Judges – The Englewood Rotary Club supplies judges for Science Fairs in the School District.

·      Well-Fed Program – The Englewood Rotary Club provides funds and man-power to feed needy students and their families on weekends.

·      Four Way Test Writing Contest – As one of our major programs, the Englewood Rotary Club puts on skits to educate students about ethics and the Four-Way Test and then hold a District-Wide writing contest for all 3-5th graders, highlighted by an awards luncheon and gifts of gift certificates to purchase books for the winners.

·      Guest Speaker Program – The Englewood Rotary Club distributes a list of their members and their expertise and encourages the School District to avail themselves of our human resources for class and school activities.

·      Chess Program  - One member of the Englewood Rotary Club has been organizing and teaching chess at elementary schools and senior citizen living facilities and is scheduled to do so again in 2012-13.

·      Student Exchange Program – The Englewood Rotary Club has committed to help bring a high school student to Englewood High School.  This means finding host families and financially supporting the exchange student and host family.

·      Gueoul, Senegal Project – The Englewood Rotary Club has teamed with “Friends of Gueoul” (a 501-C(3) charity) to provide funds and supplies to educate girls in Gueoul, Senegal.  The goal is to help girls remain in school and avoid marital and economic “slavery”.  Education appears to be the main way to break this cycle.  The project is currently supporting about 100 girls to remain in school.  We have also funded and equipped a computer classroom and supplied learning materials to these children and their community.  This ongoing project will be the focus of a Global Future Visions Grant proposal. We are preparing to help strengthen the education of girls so that they will be accepted to the local University.

Literacy Activities Larry Matten 0

Concert and Potluck to support our project in Guéoul.

Posted by Larry Matten
The Friends of Guéoul are sponsoring a potluck concert on Saturday, August 18.  Featured is Sémplice who will present a Baroque and Folk concert at 7 pm.  This will be preceded by a potluck at 6 pm.  For tickets ($20) and location information call 303 788 1716 or online
Concert and Potluck to support our project in Guéoul. Larry Matten 0

Rotary This Week - July 11, 2012

Posted by Larry Matten
We will meet as usual this week at 12:15 at the Wellshire Country Club.  
Our guest speaker will be Dave Kerber; GOP Candidate in State Senate District 26.
Rotary This Week - July 11, 2012 Larry Matten 0

Rotary this Week - June 13, 2012

Posted by Josh Staller
We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm). Our speaker will be Doris Gunderson on "The Effects of Marijuana."  We will also be honoring our college scholarship recipients.  Guests are always welcome!

Our golf tournament is next week! This is your last chance to bring items for the raffle and silent auction, including a bottle of wine. There will be a golf committee meeting at 11:30 am, prior to our luncheon.
Rotary this Week - June 13, 2012 Josh Staller 0

Rotary this Week - June 6, 2012

Posted by Josh Staller
We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm). Our speaker will be our own Donald Harris (re-scheduled from last week) on "Nuclear Power."  Guests are always welcome!

Please remember to bring items for the raffle and silent auction, including a bottle of wine. There will be a golf committee meeting at 11:30 am, prior to our luncheon.

Rotary this Week - June 6, 2012 Josh Staller 0

Rotary this Week - May 23, 2012

Posted by Josh Staller
We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm). Our speaker will be our own David Lee on "The Wonders of Stained Glass." Guests are always welcome!

Also Note:
There will be a golf committee meeting at 11:30 am, prior to our luncheon.  Please remember to bring items for the raffle and silent auction.

There will be a board meeting at 1:30 pm, following our luncheon.  All club members are welcome to attend.
Rotary this Week - May 23, 2012 Josh Staller 0

4 Way Test Awards

Posted by Josh Staller
As parents, teachers, and school administrators looked on, we honored our 4-Way Test writing contest winners on Wednesday, May 16th, at the Wellshire Inn.


Founded in 2007-2008 by president-elect Larry Matten, the 4-Way Test contest promotes literacy and ethical development.

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Englewood Rotarians write and perform skits to demonstrate the 4-way test, as well as an ethical dilemma, to Englewood elementary school children in grades 3, 4 and 5. The children are asked to write an essay that applies the 4-way test to the ethical dilemma. Englewood teachers select the winning essays, which are assembled into a book and presented to the winning students at our awards luncheon. The very best essays are read aloud by students at the luncheon.

4 Way Test Awards Josh Staller 0

Circle of Heroes

Posted by Josh Staller
Three amazing public servants were inducted into the Rotary Club of Englewood's Circle of Heroes on May 9th.  They are: Englewood High School Teacher Faye Manceaux, Englewood Police Sergeant Christian Contos, and Englewood Emergency Medical Services and Emergency Management Coordinator Steve Green.


The awards were given at the Wellshire Inn, with local dignitaries, family and close colleagues of the honorees attending, along with Englewood Rotarians.
Circle of Heroes Josh Staller 0

Rotary this Week - May 16, 2012

Posted by Josh Staller
We honor our 4-Way Test writing contest winners this Wednesday at 12:15pm, the Wellshire Inn.  Beginning in 2007-2008, Englewood Rotarians have written and performed skits to demonstrate the 4-way test, as well as an ethical dilemma, to Englewood elementary school children in grades 3, 4 and 5.  The children are asked to write an essay that applies the 4-way test to the ethical dilemma.  Englewood teachers select the winning essays, which are assembled into a book that is presented to students, parents, teachers and school administrators at our awards luncheon.  The very best essays are read aloud by students at the luncheon.

Note: The Rotary 4-Way Test provides a framework for ethical decision-making : Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Also note: There will be a golf committee meeting at 11:30am, prior to our luncheon.
Rotary this Week - May 16, 2012 Josh Staller 0

Rotary this Week - May 9, 2012

Posted by Josh Staller
We will have a very special meeting this Wednesday at 12:15 pm, the Wellshire Inn.  We will induct an Englewood teacher, a firefighter and a police officer into our Circle of Heroes. This tradition began in 2009 as a way of expressing our appreciation and amazement at the work and service of men and women in these civic roles. This is our opportunity to show these public servants our admiration and to recognize their commitment and contributions to our community.  Guests are always welcome!
Rotary this Week - May 9, 2012 Josh Staller 0

Rotary this Week - May 2, 2012

Posted by Josh Staller
We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm). Our speakers will be the Reinhardt Family on "The 'You're OK Kid!' Program." Guests are always welcome!

Also Note:
There will a golf committee meeting at 11:30 am, prior to our luncheon.
Rotary this Week - May 2, 2012 Josh Staller 0

Rotarian of the Year

Posted by Josh Staller
That's right!  Our own Dick Castleman was honored as Rotarian of the Year at the District Conference this past weekend.  Congratulations, Dick! 


Rotarian of the Year Josh Staller 0

Recent happenings

Posted by Josh Staller
At the district conference this past weekend, Judy Beggs presented information about the University of Gueoul at the House of Friendship.

This past Wednesday, we exchanged flags with Ted Rose and Susan Hill, who represented the Rotary Club of Colima, as well as Project Amigo.

Recent happenings Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - April 25, 2012

Posted by Josh Staller
We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm). Our speakers will be Ted Rose and Susan Hill on "Project Amigo." Guests are always welcome!

Also Note:
President-elect Larry Matten has requested a meeting of his 2012-2013 board at 11:30 am at the Wellshire this Wednesday.

The teachers (and others) at Ann Fort's Kenya school need men's windbreakers.  If you have one to donate, please bring it this Wednesday, and Patty Burnett or Ann will collect it.  All sizes are appreciated.

Rotary This Week - April 25, 2012 Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - April 18, 2012

Posted by Josh Staller
We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm). Our speaker will be Mike Sheeley on "Deficits and Debts." Guests are always welcome! 

There will be a Golf Committee Meeting at 11:30 am, and a Club Board Meeting at 1:30 pm.
Rotary This Week - April 18, 2012 Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - April 11th 2012

Posted by Josh Staller
We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm). Our speaker will be Anne Gross on "How Polio and Silence Shape a Family." Guests are always welcome!

Rotary This Week - April 11th 2012 Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - April 4th 2012

Posted by Josh Staller
We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm). Our speaker will be Steve Wille on "Colorful Leadership." Guests are always welcome!
Rotary This Week - April 4th 2012 Josh Staller 0

Recent Visitors

Posted by Josh Staller


Hannah and Allen Levy are two Colorado citizens who are passionate about no child going hungry. They knew that more than 300,000 kids in Colorado qualify for free and reduced priced lunches, but lose access to school meals during the summer. Their vision was to get food to at least some of those kids. In the summer of 2011, with the help of the Colorado Children's Campaign and many local partners, Hannah and Allen launched the Lunchbox Express, a repurposed mini school bus which delivered healthy lunches to hundreds of kids with high need in Englewood throughout the summer.

Recent Visitors Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - March 28, 2012

Posted by Josh Staller
We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm). Our speakers will be Allen and Hannah Levy on "Lunchbox Express." Guests are always welcome!
Rotary This Week - March 28, 2012 Josh Staller 0

Recent Happenings

Posted by Josh Staller
N.K.R.P.C. Damodharan of Rotary Club of Madurai West, Tamilnadu, India, visited us to exchange club banners on March 14th.  Thank you, Damodharan, for visiting our club!

Recent Happenings Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - March 21, 2012

Posted by Josh Staller

We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm). Our speakers will be Dana Arell and Martha Hildreth on "DTC Rotary Club Projects in the Dominican Republic." Guests are always welcome!

Please note that there will be a Golf Committee meeting before our luncheon, at 11 am.  Following our luncheon, there will be a Youth Study Exchange Committee meeting, as well as a meeting to discuss shore excursions on our September Rotary Cruise.

Rotary This Week - March 21, 2012 Josh Staller 0

Youth Study Exchange

Posted by Josh Staller


Thanks to Bob Burdick, Bill Hopkins and Spence Mamber for attending Englewood High School on Friday, March 2nd to recruit host families and students to participate in Rotary's Youth Study Exchange Program.  Please tell your Englewood friends and neighbors about this program!
Youth Study Exchange Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - March 14, 2012

Posted by Josh Staller
We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm). Our speaker will be Tom Wolf on "Future Vision." Guests are always welcome!

There will be a club board meeting following our luncheon.
Rotary This Week - March 14, 2012 Josh Staller 0

Rotary Rotates!

Posted by Josh Staller
On Wednesday, February 29th, we visited the Englewood Wastewater Treatment Plant. This was fun, fascinating and informative. I think we will all remember this program for many years to come. We thank Dennis Stowe (shown below), Stu Fonda and "farmer" Jim for all that they did to make this a memorable visit.

Rotary Rotates! Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - March 7, 2012

Posted by Josh Staller
We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm). Our speaker will be Marcia Reish on "Woodward Respite Care Fund." Guests are always welcome!

Rotary This Week - March 7, 2012 Josh Staller 0

Scripps Howard Foundation Funds 4-Way Test Contest

Posted by Josh Staller
The Scripps Howard Foundation has awarded a grant for $1000 to help fund this year's 4-Way Test Contest.  Bob Burdick presented the check to our club on February 22nd.  Thank you, Bob, for doing the hard work to obtain this grant for our club!

Scripps Howard Foundation Funds 4-Way Test Contest Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - February 29, 2012

Posted by Josh Staller
Please note that we will be dark at the Wellshire on February 29th. Instead, we will meet at 12:15 pm that day at the Englewood Wastewater Treatment Plant which is located at 2900 South Platte River Drive in Englewood. To get there from the Wellshire, go west on Hampden, go north (right) on Broadway, go west (left) on Dartmouth. After you cross Santa Fe Drive, take your second right onto South Platte River Drive. Continue until you see the plant and parking lot on the right.
Rotary This Week - February 29, 2012 Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - February 22, 2012

Posted by Josh Staller
We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm). Our speaker will be Mike Sheely on "Deficits and Debts." Guests are always welcome!

There will be a club board meeting immediately following our luncheon.

Please note that we will be dark at the Wellshire on February 29th. Instead, we will meet that day at the Englewood Wastewater Treatment Plant which is located at 2900 South Platte River Drive in Englewood. To get there from the Wellshire, go west on Hampden, go north (right) on Broadway, go west (left) on Dartmouth. After you cross Santa Fe Drive, take your second right onto South Platte River Drive. Continue until you see the plant and parking lot on the right.
Rotary This Week - February 22, 2012 Josh Staller 0

Wayne Harding, 1921-2012

Posted by Josh Staller

Wayne Harding, born 1921 in Ft. Smith, Arkansas, was a naval pilot in WWII after graduating from Princeton University.  In 1946, he became a civilian test pilot for Chance Vought Aircraft.

Wayne HardingHe married Nancy Gean from Ft. Smith in 1948, and they raised five children in Topeka, Kansas and Denver, Colorado. Wayne was prominent in two industries by founding Harding Glass and Harding Steel.

He was a former member of the Young Presidents Organization; a sixty-four year member of Rotary – Topeka and Denver; a sixty-six year member of AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics); and author of The Extra 2% That Makes Sales Happen published in 1982, His Edge published in 2008 and Love's Edge published in 2011.

A Celebration of Wayne's life will be held at 11:00 a.m., Mon., February 20th at the Harvest Church, 7493 Old Mill Trail, Boulder.  Wayne Jr.'s greatest pride was in his family, their spirituality, and their genuine concern for each other. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Denver Leadership Foundation, 5500 E. Yale Ave., #100, Denver, CO 80222.

Wayne Harding, 1921-2012 Josh Staller 0

Rotary this Week - February 15, 2012

Posted by Josh Staller
Join us for a Valentine's celebration this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm). Our speaker will be Lois Hjelmstad on "This path we share: Reflecting on 60 years of marriage." Guests are always welcome!
Rotary this Week - February 15, 2012 Josh Staller 0

Rotary this Week - February 8, 2012

Posted by Josh Staller

We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm). Our speaker will be John Geringer on "Five strategies to live a life you love." Guests are always welcome!

In other important news, we are expecting Amanda Brauchler to visit us on the 8th to sell Girl Scout cookies.  Orders will be filled on the spot, so bring that hard earned cash and we'll have some dessert! 

Rotary this Week - February 8, 2012 Josh Staller 0

Volunteer Opportunity to support Excelsior Youth Center

Posted by Josh Staller
Excelsior needs volunteer help on Friday, February 24, 2012 for the Triumphant FACES Gala. The fabulous fundraising event takes place at the Hyatt Regency Denver at the Colorado Convention Center and benefits Excelsior Youth Center.  Help is needed before, during and after the event.  If you are interested, please contact Marisa Escobedo, volunteer coordinator at (303) 693-1550  x311.
Volunteer Opportunity to support Excelsior Youth Center Josh Staller 0

Rotary this Week - February 1, 2012

Posted by Josh Staller
We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm). Our speaker will be Diane Sanders on "Peer Assistance Services." Guests are always welcome!
Rotary this Week - February 1, 2012 Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - January 25, 2012

Posted by Josh Staller
We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm). Our speaker will be Joy Zhao on "Reviving 5000 years of Traditional Chinese Culture." Guests are always welcome!
Rotary This Week - January 25, 2012 Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - January 18, 2012

Posted by Josh Staller

We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm). Our speaker will be Peter Reif on the "Homeless Awareness/Action Task Force." Guests are always welcome!

There will be a board meeting immediately following our luncheon. 

Rotary This Week - January 18, 2012 Josh Staller 0

Important Polio News

Posted by Josh Staller

 The following article appeared in the Washington Post on Thursday, January 12th. 

On Friday, India is set to reach a major milestone in the global battle against polio, recording a full year without a single new case of the disease in the country that was long its epicenter and its biggest exporter. 

It is a massive global public health achievement that has defied the odds and confounded the skeptics, a victory — attained with U.S. financial support and expertise — that will see India removed from a list of four countries where the crippling disease remains endemic. The three other countries are Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria. 

The feat raises the very real possibility that polio, like smallpox, could one day be consigned to history, along with the heartbreaking image of the Indian beggar, crawling on twisted, thin legs, pleading for alms. 

Until 1995, India recorded 50,000 to 150,000 cases of polio each year. In 2009, 14 years into India’s campaign to eradicate polio, 741 Indian children still contracted the incurable disease, more than anywhere else in the world, and morale was sagging. 

In 2010, the number fell to 42. In 2011, only a single new case was recorded, that of a 2-year-old girl who fell ill Jan. 13. 

Anuradha Gupta, a joint secretary in India’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, said the prevailing mood was one of hope, optimism and enthusiasm, but not smugness, given the risk that the disease could still find a way back from abroad.
By Simon Denyer 
Thursday, Jan 12, 2012
Important Polio News Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - January 11, 2012

Posted by Josh Staller

We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm). Our speaker will be Kate Ripp on "How to build a small to medium business." Guests are always welcome!

In other news: 

  • Sami has asked us to bring fresh produce (e.g., potatoes, oranges) for Interfaith this Wednesday.  Check your newspaper for coupons.

  • Jerry has asked us to encourage students to apply for RYLA (high school sophomores and juniors) and young RYLA (7th grade) at

  • Jerry has asked us to save the date for our annual golf tournament on Tuesday, June 19th at Saddle Rock.

  • Dave Talbot is requesting donations of used wheelchairs for Crutches for Africa.


Rotary This Week - January 11, 2012 Josh Staller 0

Rotary this Week - January 4, 2012

Posted by Josh Staller

Happy New Year!  We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm). Our speaker will be George Brauchler on "The Role of the District Attorney in Colorado." Guests are always welcome!


Rotary this Week - January 4, 2012 Josh Staller 0

Rotary this Week - Happy Holidays!

Posted by Josh Staller
Hello everyone, we are dark until Wednesday, January 4th, 2012.  Have a Happy Hanukkah, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Rotary this Week - Happy Holidays! Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - December 14, 2011

Posted by Josh Staller

We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm). Our speaker will be Bob Pence on "Highlights and Challenges of an FBI Career."  Guests are always welcome!

There will be a board meeting immediately following our luncheon.

Rotary This Week - December 14, 2011 Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - December 7th, 2011

Posted by Josh Staller

Greetings everyone, we have a special holiday schedule this week.  Please note the following upcoming events:

December 6th - Village Preschool Christmas Party (11:30-1:30, Buck Recreation Center)

December 7th - Dark at the Wellshire

December 10th - Englewood Rotary Club Christmas Party (5-8pm, Hosted by Josh and Jane Staller)

December 14th - Regular Meeting at the Wellshire 

Rotary This Week - December 7th, 2011 Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - November 30th, 2011

Posted by Josh Staller

We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm).  Our resident polymath, Larry Matten, will lead a discussion on "Living Wills" and our newest member, Bill Hopkins, has promised tell all in "Did You Know."  Guests are always welcome!

Please note the following upcoming events:

December 4th - Excelsior Party (Please bring your gifts for the girls on the 30th if you do not plan to attend the party.) 

December 6th - Village Preschool Party (Buck Recreation Center)

December 7th - Dark at the Wellshire 

December 10th - Englewood Rotary Club Party (Hosted by Josh and Jane Staller) 

Rotary This Week - November 30th, 2011 Josh Staller 0
Rotary This Week - November 23, 2011 Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - November 16, 2011

Posted by Josh Staller

We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm), and our speaker will be George Brauchler, on the topic of  "The Role of the JAG (Judge Advocate General) Officer in Iraq."  Guests are always welcome!

There will be a board meeting immediately following our luncheon. 

Rotary This Week - November 16, 2011 Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - November 9, 2011

Posted by Josh Staller
We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm), and our speaker will be Karen Loucks Rinedollar, on the topic of "Project Linus - Security Blankets for Traumatized and Seriously Ill Children." Guests are always welcome!
Rotary This Week - November 9, 2011 Josh Staller 0

Annual State of the State Address - December 9, 2011

Posted by Josh Staller
Colorado Rotarians celebrate 100 years of Rotary in Colorado this year with Governor John Hickenlooper providing the state of the state address.  We will also hear from Rotary International president-elect (2013-2014) Ron Burton.  The event is on Friday, December 9th, from 11:00-1:30 at the Hyatt Regency Tech Center Hotel.  Individual tickets are $45, but the price goes up to $55 on November 11th.  You can register online at  The event code is: Rot2011.
Annual State of the State Address - December 9, 2011 Josh Staller 0

Well-fed Tour on Thursday, November 3rd

Posted by Josh Staller
We still have space available for our tour of Well-fed on Thursday, November 3rd.  Our club provides financial and volunteer support to Well-fed, in its efforts to feed needy children in Englewood.  Please contact Josh if you have an interest.
Well-fed Tour on Thursday, November 3rd Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - November 2, 2011

Posted by Josh Staller

We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm), and our speaker will be Mike Hayes, on the topic of "Microcredit, how to get involved." Guests are always welcome!


Rotary This Week - November 2, 2011 Josh Staller 0
Rotary This Week - October 26, 2011 Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - October 19, 2011

Posted by Josh Staller

We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm), and our speaker will be Maureen Wolsborn, on the topic of "Childhood hunger."   We will also be briefed by Peter Ewing, District Chair of Youth Study Exchange.  Guests are always welcome!

Reminder: Wear your Halloween themed clothing this week, as we will be dark next week.


Rotary This Week - October 19, 2011 Josh Staller 0

Polio Plus 2-for-1 Recognition, October 24-28

Posted by Josh Staller

During the week of October 24-28, 2011, donors will receive 2- for-1 recognition for every online contribution of $100 or more made to PolioPlus on  The promotion will begin at 6 a.m., Central Standard Time (CST), on Monday, October 24th, and end at 12 noon sharp (CST), on Friday, October 28th.

Check out the amazing "Last Percent" video that was shown at the New Orleans convention during Bill Gates' speech.

Polio Plus 2-for-1 Recognition, October 24-28 Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - October 12, 2011

Posted by Josh Staller

We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm), and our speaker will be Dr. Joel Rauch, on the topic of "Feeding Your Inner Brain: How to Think and Work Smarter." Guests are always welcome!

There will be a board meeting following our luncheon. 

Rotary This Week - October 12, 2011 Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - October 5, 2011

Posted by Josh Staller
We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm), and our speaker will be Gail Lindley, on the topic of "All About Bookbinding." Guests are always welcome!                            
Rotary This Week - October 5, 2011 Josh Staller 0

Recent happenings

Posted by Josh Staller

Magical moments from recent meetings include a visit from Professor Ann Fort, shown here briefing the board on the hydrology of Kenya.  Can anyone else pronounce Rwarera?


We were also privileged to hear from Mike Fordyce, CEO of Craig Hospital, on the remarkable staff and accomplishments of that institution.


Recent happenings Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - September 28, 2011

Posted by Josh Staller
We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm), and our speaker will be Joe Sabah, on the topic of "I had a stroke, boy am I lucky."   Guests are always welcome!
Rotary This Week - September 28, 2011 Josh Staller 0
Interfaith Fundraiser - Wednesday, October 12th, 5-7 pm Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - September 21, 2011

Posted by Josh Staller

We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm), and our speaker will be Mike Fordyce, CEO of Craig Hospital.  Please encourage your family, friends and colleagues to be our guests at this meeting.


Rotary This Week - September 21, 2011 Josh Staller 0

Come Cruising with Us in 2012

Posted by Josh Staller



Help Englewood Rotary celebrate its 75th anniversary.  Join us aboard the Celebrity Millenium for an exciting Wine Country cruise, September 14-22, 2012. 

Itinerary: Vancouver-Nanaimo*-Victoria-At Sea-San Francisco*-
San Francisco*-Monterey*-At Sea-San Diego (
*special Rotary tours)

Inside ($1025.61); Ocean View ($1155.61); Balcony ($1405.61) - This is the per person, cruise only cost and includes all taxes, fees and port charges.  Travel to/from the West Coast, tips, tours, transfers are additional.

Special Rotary Group On Board activities

Deposit to hold stateroom: $100 (fully refundable through May 10, 2012)

Deadline for Deposits: Monday, October 31, 2011

Reservations, Contact: Samiah, Foxfield Travel, Inc. 303-680-5955

This is, in part, a fund raiser (Celebrity will reimburse the Englewood Rotary Club the equivalent of one person’s fare for every 16 people booked.  The funds will be used to sponsor “Project Safety” Public Safety Programs by the Englewood Police and Fire Departments (car seats, fire awareness).


Come Cruising with Us in 2012 Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - September 14, 2011

Posted by Josh Staller

We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm), and our speaker will be Dr. Liz Selzer on the topic of "Mentoring and Leadership." There will be a board meeting immediately following our luncheon.

Please be sure to give a warm welcome our newest member, Bill Hopkins, who was inducted into our club last Wednesday.


We want to give special thanks to our District Governor, Jim Halderman for his inspiring and energizing visit.  Best wishes to Jim and his wife Peggy as they travel throughout our district to visit all 67 clubs.



Rotary This Week - September 14, 2011 Josh Staller 0

Come Cruising with Us in 2012

Posted by Josh Staller



Englewood Rotary is celebrating 75 years

Celebrity Millennium – Wine Cruise

September 14-22, 2012

Itinerary: Vancouver-Nanaimo*-Victoria-At Sea-San Francisco*-
San Francisco*-Monterey*-At Sea-San Diego (
*special Rotary tours)

Inside ($1025.61); Ocean View ($1155.61); Balcony ($1405.61)

This is the per person, cruise only cost and includes all taxes, fees and port charges.  Travel to/from the West Coast, tips, tours, transfers are additional.

Special Rotary Group On Board activities

Deposit to hold stateroom: $100 (fully refundable through May 10, 2012)

Reservations, Contact: Samiah, Foxfield Travel, Inc. 303-680-5955

Deadline for Deposits: Thursday, September 1, 2011

This is, in part, a fund raiser (Celebrity will reimburse the Englewood Rotary Club the equivalent of one person’s fare for every 16 people booked.  The funds will be used to sponsor “Project Safety” Public Safety Programs by the Englewood Police and Fire Departments (car seats, fire awareness).


Come Cruising with Us in 2012 Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - September 14, 2011

Posted by Josh Staller

We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm), and our speaker will be Dr. Liz Selzer on the topic of "Mentoring and Leadership."  There will be a board meeting immediately following our luncheon.

Please be sure to give a warm welcome our newest member, Bill Hopkins, who was inducted into our club last Wednesday.


We also want to thank District Governor Jim Halderman for an inspiring and energizing visit.  Jim and his wife Peggy were last seen headed to Wray, Colorado for an evening board meeting.  They are about halfway through their quest to visit all 67 Rotary Clubs in district 5450.  That's Dedication with a capital D! 



Rotary This Week - September 14, 2011 Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - September 7, 2011

Posted by Josh Staller

We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm), and our special Rotary guest will be District Governor Jim Halderman.  Jim was born in Ohio, and attended Ohio Northern University and Ohio State University with studies in Music and Philosophy.  Jim is a highly successful businessman, musician and teacher, with over 20 years of passionate dedication to Rotary.


 Jim is married to Peggy and between the two of them they raised nine children, all of whom are successful in their careers.  Spending time with grandchildren is always an anticipated event.


 There will be a quiz on Wednesday - why does this man look surprised?


Please join us on Wednesday and be sure to wear your Rotary pins and awards!



Rotary This Week - September 7, 2011 Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - August 31, 2011

Posted by Josh Staller

We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm), and our speaker will be Jeneen Klippel-Worden, from Gateway Battered Women's Services, on the subject of "Domestic Violence 101."

Please note that there will be a board meeting immediately following our luncheon. 

See you on Wednesday!



Rotary This Week - August 31, 2011 Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - August 24, 2011

Posted by Josh Staller

We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm), and our speaker will be Don Moon (asTeddy Roosevelt) on the topic of "Theodore Roosevelt Live and in the Arena."

Thank you to everyone who supported our peach sale! We hope you enjoy our favorite peach recipes.  You can see pictures in our peach sale photo album.

See you on Wednesday!

Rotary This Week - August 24, 2011 Josh Staller 0

Bishop Backpacks

Posted by Josh Staller

We donated 8 back-to-school backpacks to Bishop this year.  Linda Lewis (McCaslin) asked me to share this message with all of you. 

I just walked into the office and STUMBLED OVER PILES OF BACKPACKS!!!  Oh my gosh! Thank you, thank you!!!  I had one mom come to me this morning crying about how money was so tight, but she didn't want have her son to feel different because he had no supplies.  Lo and behold.. it was one of our identified students.  I am sure I will have a similar story from each family. Please share this with your generous club.




Bishop Backpacks Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - August 17, 2011

Posted by Josh Staller


Thank you to everyone who supported our peach sale!  We hope you enjoy our favorite peach recipes.  Check out more pictures in our peach sale photo album.

We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm), and our speaker will be our Rotarian friend and frequent visitor, Peter Pjeschofnig, on the topic of "Eradication of 'guinea worms' in Ghana."

See you on Wednesday!

Rotary This Week - August 17, 2011 Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - August 10, 2011

Posted by Josh Staller

Hello everyone

We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm), and our speaker will be Rotarian Bill Fernow on the topic of "Interact."

See you on Wednesday!

Rotary This Week - August 10, 2011 Josh Staller 0

Rod Bell, 1929-2011

Posted by Josh Staller
story thumbnail

It is with deep regret that we have to announce the passing of Rod Bell, on August 2nd. His family surrounded him as he made his step into the next world, which must have certainly been a great comfort to him.

Rod and Betty were married for 61 years, with 3 children, 4 grand children and 7 great grand children.

Memorials may be made to Englewood Rotary, St. John's Episcopal Cathedral, or to the MS Society.

As Rotarians, we are deeply grateful for Rod's many years of fellowship and service.

He will be dearly missed.

Services will be held on Friday, August 5th, 1:00 PM at St. John's Episcopal Church on 13th and Clarkson (Capitol Hill)

Rotary Club of Englewood


rod bell one
Rod Bell, 1929-2011 Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - August 3, 2011

Posted by Josh Staller
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Hello everyone

We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm), and our speaker will be Gail Lindley of the Denver Book Bindery on the topic of "All About Bookbinding."

In other news, Interfaith Community Services is delivering backpacks for the Ready, Set, School! program this week.  Our club has supported this program, and you can see the delight on the kids' faces at 

Remember, it's time to sell peaches. Download our peach sale order form.

See you on Wednesday!

Rotary This Week - August 3, 2011 Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - July 27, 2011

Posted by Josh Staller
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Hello everyone

We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm), and our speaker will be Rita Harding of Lutheran Family Services of Colorado on the topic of "Foster Care."

Remember, it's time to sell peaches. Download our peach sale order form.

See you on Wednesday!

Rotary This Week - July 27, 2011 Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - July 20, 2011

Posted by Josh Staller



Hello everyone

We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm), and our speaker will be David Lazaroff on the topic of "5 ways to share joy, with your friend who has Alzheimers."

Remember, it's time to sell peaches. Download our peach sale order form.

See you on Wednesday! 

Rotary This Week - July 20, 2011 Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - July 13th, 2011

Posted by Josh Staller

Hello everyone

We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm), and our speakers will be Pastors Scott and Jackie Carranza of Iglesia Gracia y Vida, site of our recent basketball camp (you can read more about that in the story that follows this one).

There will be a board meeting immediately following our luncheon, and all club members are welcome to attend. 

Remember, it's time to sell peaches.  Download our peach sale order form

See you tomorrow! 



Rotary This Week - July 13th, 2011 Josh Staller 0

Rotary This Week - July 6, 2011

Posted by Josh Staller

I hope everyone had a happy and healthy holiday.  We are meeting at our regular place and time this Wednesday (Wellshire Inn, 12:15 pm), and our speaker will be former Colorado Lieutenant Governor Joe Rogers.

Our peach sale committee, as well as our college scholarship committee, will meet immediately following our luncheon.

See you tomorrow!

Download our peach sale order form. 





Rotary This Week - July 6, 2011 Josh Staller 0

Security and Integrity of Your Data

Posted by Robert Spalding
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ClubRunner secures all your private information using the latest security technologies. Hosted in a world class data centre with redundant power, Internet backbones and 24/7 security and monitoring, you can rest assured that your club data is safe and protected. Your members' contact information is secured behind unique logins and passwords. Access to information is also restricted, for example, a member can only view the list of members, but can modify his or her own personal information.

Data on the server is protected by TCP/IP filtering, firewall and anti-virus software that protect against any unauthorized intrusion. Backups of data are made daily and stored off-site.

Security and Integrity of Your Data Robert Spalding 0
Integrated eBulletin for Easier Communication Robert Spalding 0
Welcome to our new website! Robert Spalding 0