First there was the Military and Veterans Appreciation and Support Project. We bought Thanksgiving food -- a lot of it -- for 30 families at Shriever Air Force Base and the Air Force Academy. Talkin' turkey x 30. Plus carloads of gifts.
Thank you, Leader Ed.  And Bruce, Josh, Bob B., Diane, Dawn, Gary, Don, Vee, and, oh, yes, I was in there, too.  (See our website for photos and more details.
Then today, our shoppers were at Walmart in Englewood wrangling gifts for 65 Head Start kids, who will be our guests of honor at our annual holiday lunch with Santa. Thank you, Leader Frank.
And Vee, Josh and Jane, Don, Gary, Diane, Dawn, Bob B. and Ed. That party is Friday, Dec. 8. Frank needs volunteers to set up the decorations and tables at 10. The kids arrive at 11:30, so other Rotarians need to be on site before that to welcome them to their party. 
Be sure to mark your calendars for our unusual schedule through the end of the year. We will NOT meet next week because of the State of the State lunch on Tuesday and the kids party on Friday. But we WILL meet on Dec. 13.  Then happy holidays, over and out until Jan. 3.                                        -- Patty