The Rotary Club of Englewood conducts an ethical learning experience for children in fourth, fifth and sixth grades in Englewood Schools. It is based on Rotary's code of ethics called the Four-Way Test. 
Children watched a video in which a student saw another student steal a pocketbook. They then were asked what that boy should do, and how he could use the Four-Way Test to solve his dilemma. The Four-Way Test asks these questions: First, is it the truth? Second, is it fair to all concerned? Third, will it build good will and better friendships? And, fourth, will it be beneficial to all concerned. 
The students wrote essays with their responses, and 55 of the children were honored as winners of the essay contest at a luncheon held March 17 at the Wellshire Inn. Parents were invited, and many were able to attend to be with their children, some of whom read their essays at the luncheon. 
Each winner received a booklet of the chosen essays, a Four-Way Test coin and card, and a gift certificate for the Tattered Cover.
This is the ninth year Englewood Rotary has conducted the contest.